(24-Song Continuous Stream)
We had a flurry of notes at the Lodge in late December.  Click here to view notes from past months.  We have discovered a great music library we thought we would share.  These are "stream feeds" - almost zero download time even for older systems.

Check out the comments from your many relatives - just scroll further down this page.

The Beatles
62-66 / 67-70
(Click on either cover for full albums)

Click on our Moose to leave us your thoughts! 

Saturday, January 1, 2000 - 03:27:30 pm:
Message from Amy Kathleen Rawlinson at

Hey People...

Happy New Year!!!  I hope all ya's had a good one!  I did with the parties and all!  I wish the new generation of us "kids" hope we do the best in the NEW MILLENUM and all the generations to come!!!!

The Very Best to ya's all!

(Hi Amy!  Your Uncle John opted to scan in a picture your mom forwarded me at X-mas time..:)  I also have taken the liberty of sending you a Spice Girls video clip (here) :)

Saturday, January 1, 2000 - 04:57:44 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Hi folks,

Amy, I didn't know your middle name is Kathleen.  That makes me even happier about calling my baby Kathleen as well.

It is hard to believe the Christmas season is over.  We were very blessed this year to have all of the A. Kingston's home for the holidays.  Mark, Jennifer and son Tyler surprised us all and came home on the 23rd. It was great having them here.  JoAnn, Pat, Ben & Monika were the last to arrive.  They came on the 26th in time for Rebecca's 5th birthday party.  We had a full house that night.  It was wild-- much like our house was when we were young.

We were fortunate to have Patricia (George's daughter) and two of her children visit one afternoon.  Her daughter Christine and Rebecca are the same age so they had great fun together.  Brendan, who is 3, was able to keep up with the play as well.  They had great fun dressing up in Rebecca's costumes and going on great imaginative adventures.

Are any of you making new year's resolutions?  I really feel optimistic about the coming year.  I have decided instead of making resolutions about what I am not going to do that I will make a list of all of the objectives I will accomplish by the end of the year.  For one thing, Ray & I are going to bike a portion of the NB trail this year with the girls in tow. Also, now that I am not travelling 4 days a week, I plan to use my lunch hours to go to the gym.  I used to do this when I lived in Fredericton and found it was great for preventing the 3pm slump.  Thirdly, I plan to live it up at the Kingston Reunion which will be upon us in about 8 months.

So what resolutions/objectives do you have?

Take Care and Happy New Year....ME

Saturday, January 1, 2000 - 08:51:12 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


When I first saw those Beatle album covers they sure brought back memories.  There was something to be said listening to vinyl and browsing the album cover as you did.

Mary Ellen I was out at a restaurant at New Year's with friends and that very question was posed - what are the new objectives for the new year.  My response was to work at living life in the present and enjoying each moment for what it is.  I was reading this book over the holiday which basically concluded that all there is is love and everything else is an illusion.  My goal is blast away more illusions! :)

Amy I sent you an email recently and I hope you got it! :)

John V

Tuesday, January 4, 2000 - 04:31:41 pm:
Message from Anonymous User at :

When God Was Making Rivers

When God was making rivers in the ages long ago, He made some wide, He made some deep, and others running slow.  He made the mighty Amazon, its shores a jungle wall, And the rock bound Colorado . . . the wildest of them all.

He made the proud Saint Lawrence, a shimmering, mighty strand, Mothered by the Great Lakes, a thousand miles inland.  He made the Mississippi, likewise the river Nile Among the larger rivers completed by the mile.

There were no labour shortage then, or union men to seek a higher rate of wages for a forty hour week.  God was the Great Promoter with everything his own; To do what He thought best to do and fashion man a home.

To do what He thought best to do, he started in to build a river much more beautiful than e'er before was willed.  He shaped its course among the hills a winding silvery band from out the West down to the East, and saw that it was grand.

He placed it in a wilderness, of maple, spruce and pine; 'Mongst rolling hills of every hue and scenery sublime.  He fashioned many smaller streams, their waters to supply a cadence to the rhythm of the river flowing by.

He made the pools and rapids, all confined in colored stone, and fish to seek this dwelling place, this most celestial home.  When this was all completed, God saw that it was good a million years or more ago . . . till man, at last, he stood To gaze upon God's handiwork so beautiful to see.  As was fore ordained, he called it "THE LOVELY MIRAMICHI"

(Miramichi History Link)

Wednesday, January 5, 2000 - 04:54:12 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>  As was fore ordained, he called it "THE LOVELY MIRAMICHI" <

Awwwwwwwww...what a lovely little rhyme.  I got all teared up!  Who the heck is "anonymous"??? NO FAIR!  Cough up identity please! I would guess Uncle George.  What does everyone else think?

Mary Ellen, I liked your thoughts on New Year's Resolutions and being pro-active in accomplishing goals.  To tell you the truth, December was such an insane month for both of us with work that I feel proud of myself for being able to hold on by my fingernails!  Work will slow down for both of us now and perhaps we will have time to ponder upon some lofty aspirations for our wee selves. :-)

Dad has been visiting for the past few weeks (stayed with Sue and Dick since Jack and I have been working constantly) and left today.  Although we weren't able to spend as much time with him as we would have liked, it was quality time and we truly enjoyed his visit.

I take it everyone survived Y2K with no problems?  My e-mail time stamp in Compuserve reads 1/5/100.  Duh.  Jack uses Earthlink and his reads 1/5/2000.  I love Compuserve but they better get their act together...morons. :-)

Mary W.

California Dreamin'
Mama's and Papa's
(My guess is George or Aloysius, Mary Weissler...jv)

Friday, January 7, 2000 - 04:42:59 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :

Alright Uncle Joe W.  I do not know how you did this knowing your proficiency with computers, but being a highly skilled in " statement analysis " there is no doubt in my mind you or one of your offsring is responsible for the publication of this prose.  Like how did you accomplish this while obviously keeping your daughter Mary in the dark.  There is obviously some complicity here.  Could it be possible, considering the genetics at play here, that Mary W would not recognize the "devilishness" of her own older brother George, oooorrrrr, her young brother Mark.  If I were a betting man, which I am, I say it was left by someone close to my dearest Aunt Ann-Marie.

Brother John, is there not a cyber trail on your web site to smoke out this fiendish lurker?


(Who knows? There probably is.:)..jv)

Saturday, January 8, 2000 - 06:20:34 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hahahaha Kevin!

Actually, Dad could not have been the sly devil who wrote this prose.  He is home in Colorado and does not own a computer nor would he know what to do with one if he had access.  Mark and George are also highly unlikely suspects. The investigation continues.........

What about Brendan and Patty?  It seems they just got online and might be monkeying around. :-)  I also still have my eye on little lurking devil, Uncle George.  John, you can tell who wrote it, can't you?  Spill beans please!

Mary W.

Saturday, January 8, 2000 - 09:25:12 am:
Message from John Vickers at

Now that it's Saturday and I can sip my morning coffee without having to run out the door, my investigation has begun.  Gill Net Lodge door records indicate that a visitor with the cosmic trail number posted a message at approximately 4:31 pm on January 4th, 2000. This number was then submited into the AIRN Search Registry of Virginia for processing. The Registry responded with the following information.

One Brunswick Square
Saint John, NB E2L 4K2

Netblock: -
Maintainer: NBTL

Unfortunately, that is the best I can do.  We have only received the address of the web provider for the mysterious visitor.  At least we now know the person lives in New Brunswick.  As to whether they live in Saint John, this may not be the case as all nbnet customers may be routed through the Saint John server.  So my conclusion is only that somewhere in New Brunswick resides the reclusive poet and I can only leave it up to others to pick up the trail from there..:)

John V

The Door's

Saturday, January 8, 2000 - 10:59:14 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at

My guess is Uncle George.  I hate to say it but, there are not enough spelling errors in the prose for it to be my darling Dad's. :)  (Boy, I am sure to hear a loud "WHAT!!!" and "Judas" being screamed through the woods when Dad reads this one.)

Okay, Uncle George, time to come clean.....ME

Saturday, January 8, 2000 - 11:41:21 am:
Message from John Kingston at

The prose does sound like my father.  But my father also has a lack of spelling skills as your father, Mary Ellen.  Therefore I suspect another.  I think Mr Kevin Vickers is the author and he has given us the proverbial "red herring".

John I love the Beatles music.  As the song says "we get by we a little help from our friends...."

Saturday, January 8, 2000 - 12:17:49 am:
Message from Kevin Sullivan at


We have to keep somethings from the Americians or Shelia Copps would not have a job. - looks like Newcastle NB to me.

I guess it pays to work for the phone company.

The Shondell's
Kevin S. - George or Alley it must be then!..jv

Sunday, January 9, 2000 - 09:59:45 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hey John...

I don't know how far back your cyber trail goes but if you could find the time and date of another message that Uncle George posted and see if those numbers jive...we could at least nail him or eliminate him from the list of suspects. :-)

Mary W.

(Good idea Mary however upon checking I couldn't find a George Kingston trail in the cosmic library.  I did find an entry from the Al Kingston residence from back in October and although they weren't identical, they were awfullllly close..:).

I received this picture from Uncle Aloysius and he
indicates it's from Sam's log drive of 1937..jv

Monday, January 10, 2000 - 04:14:26 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Hi Everyone:

The ode to the Miramichi from the anonymous user has been around for years.  It is not something someone recently penned.  I would attribute its posting to Uncle Bill Vickers if he was on the Miramichi but I know he is in Florida.  It may be in the Kingston book "The Miramichi Woodsman" and if Aunt Monica or Uncle George are checking in on the site, they might be able to tell us who actually wrote it.


(Hi Brenda!  My hunch is if Uncle George says he didn't submit it, Uncle Alley is automatically guilty by elimination - likewise if Uncle Alley professes innocence.  So gentlemen, would either one of you care to state your innocence in being the phathom submitter?.:)

Canned Heat

Tuesday, January 11, 2000 - 07:14:09 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hey everyone!

You guys should go check out this website:  You have to take a test which determines what breed of dog you would be if you were a dog!  I am a Poodle!  Haha!  Suzanne is a Basset Hound and Jack is a Golden Retriever.  If you take the test, let us know your results in the Gill Net. :-)

John, that is exceptional investigatory work you have been up to.  We now have it narrowed down to Uncle Al and Uncle Geo.  One of them better step up to the plate and claim either innocence or responsibility!  As soon as one does either the gig is up. :-)

Mary W.

Tuesday, January 11, 2000 - 07:19:09 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Thanks Mary.  Maybe we'll get Mary Ellen to put some heat on her Dad!  Your test says being loyal and good hearted makes me a St. Bernard!  We had one of those once and his name was Ben.  He followed me to school one day and ended up rolling the principal around on the ground in a muddy parking lot.  I can still hear those repeated messages on the school intercom as I sat motionless - WOULD THE STUDENT WHO BROUGHT THE BERNARD DOG TO CLASS PLEASE REPORT TO MR. RAYMOND'S OFFICE!  I thought I was in the clear until Ben casually walked into the class room and laid on the floor beside my desk.  Those Bernards sure have great noses!  Ben use to eat lots of moose meat and lap up milk from the dairy.  He became quite famous at CFUN Radio who would broadcast hilarious reports that a Bernard Dog was found uptown dragging a dog house behind him.  

I heard Uncle Paul is recovering from a heart attack in Toronto.  Joey's family keeps in touch with him.  I also heard that Bernadette was dropping in to see him.

I received an email from Dave Kingston which would be Frankie's son.  He was forwarding his email for the EVENTS section.  I also want to let Mary Leslie, Aunt Stephanie and others know that the master email button in the Miramichi Committee tab in EVENTS is now connected to all families with Rob Kelly also passing messages along to Joe's family.  It should hopefully come in handy in a few months time.

John V

Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 05:18:07 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


I do not know about that picture of the boat allegedly to be part of my grandfather's and your father's log drive. I say that the river depicted in this picture is the Portage River, a tributary of the Nor'West. I did not know that grandfather would have had lumber rights, a lease or that he ever cut up this river. I thought he cut exclusively off off of the Fraser Burchill area, Sevogle, Seven Islands and I am trying to think of the river down towards Richibucto. Accordindly, I do not believe the boat and men in the picture belonged to Grandfather's drive.

Now of course, if I am wrong, I am sure you can set all the grandchildren straight as to where Sam did cut and this would lend credence to the boat. George you can help Ally out.


Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 06:00:46 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>Now of course, if I am wrong, I am sure you can set all the grandchildren straight as to where Sam did cut and this would lend credence to the boat. George you can help Ally out. <

Kevin, I don't think that picture was even taken in New Brunswick! I saw it in a recent edition of National Geographic accompanying an article about Zimbabwe. Someone has some fast 'splainin to do!

Mary W.

Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 06:16:15 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at


You are DEFINITELY a St. Bernard!  Your loyality and committment to this website *almost* exceed Ben's stories of loyality.  He sounds like he was a wonderful doggie.

Mary W. 

Thursday, January 13, 2000 - 08:35:41 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi ya,

You know, I was kind of wondering about Alley's picture to.  On closer inspection, (the larger original is in photo's section) I think it's a black and white scan of an oil painting..:)

John V

(Here's a couple more Beatle's albums for you John Kingston!)

The Beatles
Yellow Submarine / Hard Days Night
(Click on either cover for full albums)

Friday, January 14, 2000 - 05:24:49 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi John,

I agree that the photo looks like an historic oil painting.  There appear to be age-related cracks in the paint that the Smithsonian has informed me appear when such paintings are stored in frigid places. (I called them and scanned over the picture.)  They also informed me that the the wierd waves pictured in the shot could not have been experienced in a northern climate and they truly think this picture is the one shot in Zimbawbe by National Geographic.

Mary W.

Bob Dylan

Saturday, January 15, 2000 - 09:42:28 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Hi folks,

Re: the picture.  I believe Aunt Sue gave it to Dad after he found the log marker that her father, Paul Kingston, used and gave it to her.  She then sent the picture as a thank you.  It may be someone else's log run, but Grandfather is on the bank looking on.  In the picture that hangs in Mom & Dad's living room, you can see him more clearly.  Now, that was the story from Aunt Sue..... :)

We are having a meeting about the reunion tomorrow.  Do you have ideas of events that you would like planned?  Maybe, you have been at other large family reunions and gathered a few ideas.  If you do, please send them along.

Sunday, January 16, 2000 - 09:39:25 am:
Message from PATTY Kelly at

Mary Weissler, I loved your comments about dogs.  Attended a dog show yesterday.  Collie's are still the best.


Tuesday, January 18, 2000 - 11:54:26 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Patty!

I'm so glad you guys are online and are dropping in at the Gill Net!  So you are a big dog lover too?  We have 2 Miniature Pinschers (minpins) who are doted on much more than most children I know.  They are a highly energetic and monkey-brained breed. :-)  They certainly keep us on our toes!  Stanley starts clicker training (also known as operant conditioning) next Monday.  I take it you have a Collie? :-)

Mary W.

The Beatles
Abbey Road Album

Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 04:47:32 pm:
Message from JoAnn Kingston-Riechers at

Hello all:

This is my first post to this site; however, I have been 'listening in' for months now.  I am Al and Eleanor's daughter and sister to Mary Ellen, who are all frequent posters.  I live in Mahone Bay, NS with my husband, Pat, children, Monika and Benjamin (both 19 months) and standard schnauzers, Hagar (soon to be 9) and Loki (3 years old). We moved here in September from Winnipeg, MB.  It is nice to be back on the east coast! We will not have very far to travel to go to the reunion.

Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 05:26:29 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at


Glad you are enjoying the Gill Net and finally spoke up!  It is very nice to meet you.  It would be great if you could send John a few pictures of Loki and Hagar to put in the "pet section".  I want to see your babies! :-) There are a few pics of mine in there along with some other treasured pets but it does not seem to be a real popular feature on the website.  Oh well.   Again, welcome and we hope to hear more from you soon! Isn't it fun to take the leap from "lurker" to "participant"?

Mary W.

Wednesday, January 19, 2000 - 06:22:05 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Yeah JoAnn!!
I am so glad I am not the only A. Kingston to post.  Now we have to get Paula Marie and Kenny to speak up.

Speaking of pets, our only pet is a cat name Elvis-Noel (yes, double names do seem to be a thing in our household :)).  Part of having a sister who is a vet means, if you do not own a pet, you will be occassionally shamed into rescusing an animal from death row.  This is how we acquired Elvis-Noel.  Now, I am not a big pet lover and do have allergies to them, however, I do feel an obligation to look after them.  So Elvis- Noel and I tolerate one another.  He has been staying in the garage(which is in the basement)since the baby came and so my mornings are usually spent opening the door to the garage (baby and bags in my arms) while yelling "back, back, back" and the cat running for cover.  I have never been mean to the cat, but somehow I think he senses that he is not on my top 10 list.

The girls have been quite sick for the last week or so.  Rebecca has had pneumonia and Katie-Rose was rushed to the hospital yesterday because she could not breathe at day care.  I got the call at work and felt the blood rush right out of my head.  She is doing better now, but still has a wicked cough.  Rebecca is on the mend.  She was sick before Katie-Rose so she is at the tail end ( I hope) of this bug.  Ray is going off to Virginia next week, so I hope to God they are better before then. My 1/2 reaming nerve will quickly fray away of they aren't :)

Take Care....ME

Friday, January 21, 2000 - 07:45:08 am:
Message from John Vickers at


I received a few inquiries about how to be able to hear the music at Gill Net.  In order to listen, you have to have Real Player Audio (a free to download program) installed in your computer.  You simply click on it, initiate the download, open it up in the file where you download it so that it is installed on your hard drive and that's it.  It will automatically play whenever you click on a music item.  I have established a link for downloading from Tom Kingston's site and feel free to access it by clicking here.

Nice to have you aboard Aunt Patty!  As I have mentioned to others of late, if you wish to receive an official 'GILL NET LODGE T-Shirt' at the reunion, it is now required everyone has to post a minimum of a note per month (hopefully more) between now and the reunion..:)  Also nice to have you visit us JoAnne.

Still no sign of a snow flake in Victoria this winter.  It's been arriving close by but so far we have escaped it. The grass stays green here all the time.  If the ground ever dried out, you could mow your lawn. :)

John V

Friday, January 21, 2000 - 06:09:57 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :

Ten reasons why God did not want to waste any snow flakes on Victoria:

(The following comments are not meant to offend anyone but to generate discussion)

1) John and his friends are taller than snow drifts in Siberia;

2) Victoria along with the with the rest of the coast of British Columbia is about to slide into the ocean;

3) Victoria dumps its raw sewage directly into the ocean and God does not want to help Vitorians dilute their mess;

4) Victorians are unable to purchase beer such as Alpine, Schooner, Moose-Head nor Keith's Pale Ale to quench their thirst after a descent day of shovelling snow;

5) Victorians live so far south they are just like our American cousins excepting those who live in real state such as Illonois where they have real snow storms;

6)Victorians like cats and kittens;

7) Victorians host web pages that have links to Beattle music that keeps fading out;

8) Single Victorians are not virgins ( no snow flakes here);

9) Victorians are so isolated from the rest of the world; who really cares if they get snowflakes or not;

10) Victorians are such wimps that if they did actually have to shovel snow they would have heart attacks,

These are not meant to be fighting words brother. As they say in police work, Just the facts.


Friday, January 21, 2000 - 09:44:37 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Dearest Brother,

Your reflections caused me to reflect on my years in your fair city of Ottawa. I relate the following:

Current Victoria temperature this evening with windchill: +10
Current Ottawa temperature this evening with windchill: -38

The highest wind chills recorded in a Canadian City: Winnipeg
The second highest wind chills recorded in a Canadian City: Ottawa

Victorian's enjoy fine brewed ales like IPA, Spinnakers and Big Rock - advanced microbrewed products ginetically engineered from fossilized Molson products from Eastern Canada.

Cost of a pint of ale in Ottawa: $5.00
Cost of a pint of ale in Victoria: $3.25

Ottawa's biggest news story of the year: Mild weather makes the canal impossible to skate on for three days.
Victoria's biggest news story of the year:  The NDP are still in power and the deficit is growing.
(Okay, maybe we're square on that one)  :)

John V

The Beatle's
White Album

Saturday, January 22, 2000 - 08:53:54 am:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


You win, I surrender.  Some parts of New Brunswick got 75 cm (30 inches) of snow yesterday.


(Kevin I saw Bathurst NB on TV in Victoria tonight with all the snow..jv)

(I have received an email from Uncle Aloysius
who has forwarded some old invoices from Burchill's Mill.
Click here to view....jv)

Monday, January 24, 2000 - 07:43:14 pm:
Message from JoAnn Kingston-Riechers at


I should say that John's email informing me that a free T-shirt for monthly emails to the Gill Net Lodge was the reason that I finally sent an email.  It is hard once you have been 'lurking' (I hate that term) for awhile to start actively participating.

Today, the children and I made Aunt Carmel Leslie's Oatmeal cake.  (I have sent the recipe to John in case anyone else is interested in.  It is also known as Lazy Daisy Cake.)  I should say rather, Benjamin and I made it.  Monika was too busy leaning over Benjamin's shoulder as they perched on a stair to try to clean up and spills to actually help with the baking. (If I had known this benefit of little girls, I would have had children a lot earlier!) Benjamin *had* to do all the stirring.  It was an awful lot of fun!

Best wishes, JoAnn

(Click here for JoAnn's recipe contribution)

The Beatles
Let It Be / Rubber Soul

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 08:48:05 am:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at :

Jo Anne

I completely agree with you that lurking is a terrible word. I much prefer stalking.

Ann will try the recipe once John has it posted.

all the best


Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:35:57 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>I completely agree with you that lurking is a terrible word.  I much prefer stalking. <


I think defining nonparticipating individuals as "lurkers" was meant to have an insulting, offensive edge...that way people wishing not to be lumped into that category would get off their butts and speak up...just like Jo Ann did. :-)  By the way, Jo Ann, I just read your recipe and am going to go get the ingredients and make your Lazy Daisy Cake this afternoon.  It sounds very yummy and Jack want one!  Thanks!

Mary W.

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 10:42:40 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>I completely agree with you that lurking is a terrible word. I much prefer stalking. <

What about voyeurs or peeping toms?  They are prolly the type of people who slink into houses and steal undies. :-)

Mary W.

Tuesday, January 25, 2000 - 03:46:53 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

No one is getting JoAnn's name right, including me.  It's JoAnn.  Get it?  JoAnn JoAnn JoAnn  Please excuse us JoAnn!  Your cake turned out GREAT and was really easy to make!  Kevin, you must have Ann make you one!

Mary W.

(I received a picture of Aunt Patty's dog, Lassie.
Click Here to view in Pets...jv)

Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 09:50:47 am:
Message from JoAnn Kingston-Riechers at


I am such a pleasant and wholesome can I be labelled lurker, a stalker, a peeping-tom, etc.? ;-)

I cannot take credit for the recipe, I got it from Aunt Carmel many moons ago. She also has a clam chowder recipe that was served at the meeting of Pat's family and my family. This was the day before Pat and I wed.  Does anyone have that recipe?

Best wishes, JoAnn

                                                                                                                    Neil Diamond

Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 05:49:53 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Aunt Patty!

Lassie is DROP DEAD GORGOUS!  What a beautiful dog!  Has she had cause to rescue you from any disasters?  Lassie was the first show I ever watched as a kid...Sunday nights. Timmy was so devoted to her.  Trivia question: what were the parent's names?

Mary W.

Wednesday, January 26, 2000 - 06:00:41 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


I sometimes get emails asking for changes, deletions, etc. on the various bits of information throughout the Kingston 2000 site.  My official title is actually site "dresser upper" and I help out with editing etc. of the various items that are forwarded.  If I ever miss something, please email the site at any of the email buttons and I'll shall be happy to address any changes etc. you might wish to point out.

Aunt Patty - Lassie looks great! (Sorry Mary W - I draw a blank..:)

John V

(Kevin V. - people have inquiried as to your email address - I was wondering on your next posting if you could fill in the email address line in the securitysolutions guestbook entry page.)

The Stampeders

Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 04:38:49 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


My daughter Laura made the cake from the recipe you had sent John.  It was delicious.  I know I have had this cake when I was young.  I know that it is Aunt Carmel's recipe however at first taste, it brought back memories of Grandmother Kingston.  I wonder if she made this cake or a similar cake.  I believe my mother, Monica, also made a similar cake.  Mary W, there is a desert that your mother would make while home on the Miramichi.  I believe it was called cheese cake.  In one of grandmother's large black deep high sided cooking pans she would put cherries, then she would make stuff with cream cheese and put this over the top of the cherries.  This would be topped off with a layer of graham waffers crushed with a rolling pin.  Would you have your mom's recipe for this? If so could you send to John for posting.

JoAnn, I would love to have Aunt Carmel's clam chowder recipe as well.  Thanks for posting the cake recipe. As they say on the Miramichi, "boys it was some good" - "she was awfull fat-nin though"?


Thursday, January 27, 2000 - 05:41:13 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

> In one of grandmother's large black deep high sided cooking pans she would put cherries, then she would make stuff with cream cheese and put this over the top of the cherries.  This would be topped off with a layer of graham waffers crushed with a rolling pin. <

Kevin...what a blast from the past!  Does "cherries in the snow" ring a bell?  I will look and see if I have the recipe (thinking I do). :-)

Mary W.

Charlie Dore

The Beatles
Revolver / Beatles For Sale

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 04:04:16 am:
Message from Kingston Vickers at

Hi Mary W.

The answer: Paul and Ruth Martin.

I work at Universal Studios in Orlando.  They have an "Animal Actors Stage" where they feature a collie that they call "Lassie".  Since this is not the real "Lassie", the official "Lassie Fan Club" has lodged a formal complaint and are trying to prevent Universal from referring to their trained collie as "Lassie".  Here's a question for you.  Was Lasssie a boy or a girl?  (Careful, this one is tricky...)

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 05:00:23 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hiya Kingston!

Oh yeah...Paul and Ruth Martin! Thanks for jangling the necrotic brain cells! :-)

>Was Lassie a boy or a girl?<

I would venture to guess Lassie was a neutralized unit of one sex or the other.  If I were a betting man, I'd say a neutered male? Please inform.

Mary W.

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 06:19:11 am:
Message from Kingston Vickers at

Hi Mary W.

The trick: Both... depending on what the scene required; there were mulitiple Lassies!  There are two non-lassie-lassies at Universal!

Take care!

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 06:50:53 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at :

Does anyone have Grandmother's mayonnaise recipe?...ME

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 07:07:32 am:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi Mary Ellen!  I whip up and enjoy her famous mayo every so often and have added it to recipes for you...:)

John V

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 07:28:18 am:
Message from Here is another@miramichi.river.crazy.pool at :

The Beautiful Miramichi

In the South West and the mountains where the red deer have their home
Where the spruce trees grow in millions, where the partridge rear their young
Where the black bear feed on beechnuts and the cow moose plaintive call
Breaks the stillness of the evening in the early months of fall,
Where the dew drop in the morning and the melting snow of spring
Brings water to the flowers, and the birds begin to sing,
Tumbling brooks from off the hillsides start their journey to the sea,
Tis the birthplace of a river, The Lovely Miramichi.

Growing ever growing in volume and in strength
United waters gather from countless valleys length,
And the North Branch meets the South Branch in a pool so clear and deep
Where the brook trout and the salmon in their freedom swim and leap,
The wild rose and the alder grow near the water edge
And the current of the river is hampered by a ledge,
The moving waters murmur in endless protest
And the wild duck in the bull rush is hidden on its nest,
In the air the swallows skimming and the buzzing of a bee
Lends enchantment to this river, The Lovely Miramichi.

Over sand bars to deep pools where the silver salmon stay
Resting on their journey upward or are taking time to play,
The muskrat and the beaver have their homes upon the shores
And food is stored for winter not too far from their doors,
The horned owl and the eagle in the light of dusk and day
On silent wings and searching eyes go hunting for their prey,
Where the red man had his tepee, and built his bark canoe
There the years they have not changed it, and there is nothing new,
While the river keeps on flowing in its valley to the sea,
And God has made no other like The Lovely Miramichi.

The white man and the maiden they have come from many lands
To live in pure contentment, To walk upon the sands,
To angle for the salmon or for the speckled trout
See the splendor of the sunset as the day is fading out,
The campfire in the darkness brings cheer to young and old
To millionaire and trapper as stories they are told, Of valor, romance, fiction, or facts of history,
All have added to the glory of, The Lovely Miramichi.

The cabin in the wilderness with the river flowing by
Silence in a wonderland, A rainbow in the sky, A fragrant bed of balsam boughs where tired minds may sleep
While kinfolk of the forests their nightly vigal. keep,
The bannock in the morning, The kettle on the flame And the odor of the coffee brew can
never be the same
To You, To me and many more who live a life so free
As when camping in the woodlands of The Lovely Miramichi.

From the birthplace of this river in the mountains of the west
To the tide that comes to meet it, Of all others it is best, And God
has used his talent in making such a stream
Where life is still worth living, and it is possible to dream, Of Peace, and
understanding, With love among mankind Release from hell and torment, Humanity may find, Pray when we cross the Jordan, and meet the Referee We will hear the grand decision,
You are on The Miramichi.


(It appears the reclusive poet has struck again...jv) 
The Beatles
Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band
(I had to squeeze in the last Beatles album before the month was done..:)

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 05:00:55 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Yesss John!

The poet has struck again (and his strikes are so lovely and bring tears to the eyes, no?).  The poet is becoming even more cagey in camouflaging himself however...e-mail address: @miramichi.river.crazy.pool at : Someone has GOT to know who our wonderful poet is!

I have looked through all my recipies and cannot find mom's Cherries in the Snow.  Suzanne does not have it either.  The next step is to call dad who has most of the family archives preserved in safe places.  I can remember the recipe card and exactly what the handwriting looked like! :-)

Kingston, I DO remember hearing there were multiple Lassies.  I think the line is still going somewhere.  Aunt Patty might know!

(running to check out that mayonaise recipe)

Mary W.

Friday, January 28, 2000 - 05:16:55 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen at :

Thanks for the recipe, John.  It brings back so many memories with its such distinct taste.  Mary, I can't wait for the cherries in the snow recipe.  Rebecca just loves to cook and we usually make something every weekend.  This sounds like it would be wonderful.

Another recipe I am searching for is one which I remember Patricia, Bethy and I believe my mother making the summer Uncle George & Aunt Stephanie & children set up their tent trailer in our garage.  I think they were called Yum-Yum squares.

All this cooking is not going to help my chances of losing any weight.  I swear I can feel myself being 5 pounds heavier just thinking about the things:)

Take Care....ME

Rising Sun

Kevin Vickers, I am still in need of your email address.
Click here to send me an email so I'll have it. Thanks!..jv

Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 11:33:47 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Mary W. - OUR LASSIE IS AS GOOD AS SHE IS BEAUTIFUL at age 10.  Kingston you just beat me to finding the answer to Mary W's question - anyway my friend lent me four old Lassie movies.  Must get out the kleenex and start up the movie.

Saturday, January 29, 2000 - 05:43:13 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at


Awwwwwwwwww. :-) She sounds like such a wonderful dog, Aunt Patty!  Mine are little hellions!  We just started Clicker Training class (also konw as operant conditioning) with Stanley.  It's really amazing I have never seen dogs learn anything so FAST!

I would love to be there with you snuggled up on the couch under a blanie, dogs in tow, with popcorn (tons of butter of course) watching old Lassie movies!  I LOVE that kind of stuff!  Patty, do you get Animal Planet on cable?  OMG there are so many great animal shows on that channel.  My favourite is Emergency Vets.  Have fun watching Lassie!

Your very jealous niece,

Mary W