Greetings of the season from Gill Net Lodge! 

The millennium is fast approaching fellow Kingston descendants!  How do you feel about the new turn of the century?  Excited?  Anxious?  Apprehensive?  Let us know your thoughts!

Click here for notes from past months.

Check out the comments from your many relatives - just scroll further down this page.
Click on our Moose to leave us your thoughts! 


Message from Mary Weissler at
Hi all,
John, keep your chin up and stock up on lots of good books.
I trust everyone had a good Thanksgiving?  Do you celebrate Thanksgiving up there? We hosted the big turkey feast here...first family holiday celebrated in the new house.  Suzanne and Dick came, along with Jack's mother and sister.  We had a grand time and had enough food to feed an army!  Everyone went home with huge care packages of leftovers.
Our little dog Stanley (the youngster) needs to get alot of exercise on a regular basis or he is just too nuclear for anyone's nerves.  The spooks and demons just build up in him!  We call these the ya-yas...over-buildup of steam.  Jack has invented the most novel way of *de-steaming* Stanley.  We take him out in the back yard after dark and race a flashlight beam all over theplace.  He goes NUTTTSSS chasing it!!!  You'd think he was after prey!  It is absolutely hilarious to watch and after about 10 minutes of this insanity we have a heavily panting and very calmed-down doggie for the rest of the evening. :-)
Mary W.

 Tuesday, November 30, 1999 - 06:09:28 pm:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at :
John / Kingston can you tell us how to tune and listen to CFAN, the old hometown radio station.

Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 05:03:49 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at
Hi All,
December.... Wow!  I cannot believe that the Christmas season is upon us again.
If someone had told me this time last year that I would have a new baby and a
new job within the year, I would never have believed them, but both have come true.
Rebecca is really excited about the Christmas season -- especially since her birthday is
on Boxing Day.  We have our A. Kingston Christmas on Christmas eve, so she gets three days of
opening presents in a row.  This year we told her she could have a friends only party on the 27th, so she will have four days on a row.
One thing we started last year which is really fun is the children open one present
per hour throughout the day and evening rather than having a massive "rip" in the evening.
This is so much nicer because they get to appreciate and play with everything before moving onto
something else. I plan to stock up on items from the Dollar store this year, so they have lots of little
things to open and play with. Rebecca has told Mom and Dad that she will be arriving right after breakfast to start the festivities. :)
Katie-Rose is doing really well.  I finally feel that I understand her schedule
and do not feel so overwhelemed.  She has been smiling for 3 weeks and cooing for about
2 weeks. It is good for the spirit to be involved in a conversation with a baby. She tries to lift herself up out of her bed and seat when she has had enough of them.  It is really funny to see her try.
Well, this is my one day of the week to work, so I best get to it.  I am starting to do
performance appraisals on the staff in the unit today.  I think(hope) they all go well.  Take Care...ME

Wednesday, December 1, 1999 - 08:17:34 pm:
Message from John Vickers at
Hi Again,
Yes Mary, we enjoy turkey weekend as well however ours is in early October.  We have ours and then we live through the memories all over again courtesy of ABC, NBC amd CBS when the US celebrates yours in November.
I also love it as there was some great US football games on the tube over your break.:-)
Kevin I wasn't sure through which method you were trying to find CFAN.  It is 790am on the radio dial and I note the website doesn't offer live access.  I think in the states you can log onto a number of selected stations live however I don't think all stations (like CFAN) are automatically on their list.  I hope one of those two answers satisfies the answer you were looking for.
On the way back from Campbell River this pm I stopped at a provincial park where thousands of seagulls were camped out all along and through a river for miles. I walked over to the bank on one side.  There before me were several hundred salmon swimming in about knee deep water from my side all the way across.  Looking up the river and down, the salmon density was the same. Thousands of salmon.  On the sides of the bank, were carcesses of salmon piled high by the currents everywhere.  All the fish in the water had skin hanging off them, all injured and cut up, some so near death they would swim ahead a few feet only to roll on their sides and have the current deposit them further down stream from where they had just started.  The stench of dead fish was very strong.  Amidst this chaos, the scream of thousands of sea gulls, digging their beaks into the dead salmon and often into barely live ones floating by.
It was an amazing site.  I hope to go back up in a couple days and I shall takes some pictures and hopefully post them here.
John V

Thursday, December 2, 1999 - 04:22:46 pm:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at :
Laura tells me you can access CFAN live however she can not show me how to do it at home. Dad tells me Kingston gets CFAN for him down south.
John, Ann has your Christmas present packaged however needs your address to send it. Also do you have Willy's address.

Kevin, my address in posted on the page you can find here.
Wow - didn't know CFAN could be picked up like that.  I must ask Kingston how he gets it! JV
P.S.  When I worked at CFAN I remember at 8:30 pm you had to set up two big tape reels and start
the "Back To The Bible Hour".  Bored there one night, I pressed my finger down on the reel
as it was playing and slowed it down, making the guy sound really intoxicated.  Some elderly lady called sounding quite concerned and I said "Yes Gertrude, he unfortunately is into the sauce tonight!"

Friday, December 3, 1999 - 04:13:23 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at
> I said "Yes Gertrude, he unfortunately is into the sauce tonight!"<
Hahahaha! Poor Gertrude must have been rather dismayed. :-)  What the heck is CFAN anyway?  I take it it's some radio station?  You guys are all so interested in it, it must have something
to do with sports.
John, you certainly have done a first rate job decorating the Gill Net for Xmas!  It looks so beautiful with the snowy scenery and all.
It was 55* here today and has been the warmest fall in for me!  Only problem is, Jack is praying for snow scenes like we have in the Gill Net.  Dad bought us a HUGE-ASS Ariens snowblower as a housewarming present and Jack is dying to blow the whole neighborhood to kingdom come! :-)  He does plan to do the whole block the first time it snows.
I am very happy to let the thing sit in the garage and not turn blue when I venture outside.
Mary Ellen, glad all is going well with you and Katie Rose is thriving!
Mary W.
(CFAN was our one and only radio station in Newcastle growing up..JV)

Friday, December 3, 1999 - 04:19:22 pm
Message from Mary Weissler at
Your salmon story was sad. :-(  But such are the ways of nature.
Mary W.

A  Bing Crosby Christmas Link

 Monday, December 6, 1999 - 08:25:50 pm:
Message from John Vickers at
I was up by the place where I saw the salmon last week and this time I took a few pictures.  There didn't seem to be quite as many salmon however there were still lots there.  I hope to post the pictures in a day or two.
This video camera thing is so great. Kingston had me out on the dock with Mom and Dad down in Florida while Will gave me a mini-tour of his home in Yellowknife tonight.  It is really simple to use - I highly encourage everyone to try it.  You simply need a small camera - (mine costs $75 at the local computer store).  So neat!  I was thinking it would be great for Kevin and Mary to have it so as to see and talk to the kids as well.
John V

Here are my salmon pictures!  Things had calmed down abit since
my first visit a few days earlier.  I unfortunately had the digital camera I was
using on black and white mode and didn't realize it. :(
Anyhow, they are HERE.

Thursday, December 9, 1999 - 04:15:19 pm:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at :


Always knew those pacific salmon were limp wristed.  Real salmon, like those of the Nor'West would be eatin the gulls.  Or as Sam Kingston would say, "Have ya atyet".  Translation - have you had something to eat or in the familiar, "Have you eaten yet".

Thursday, December 9, 1999 - 05:19:45 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Wow John...

Those are some great shots albiet a rather sad scene.  I was reminded of another horror movie from our youth, "The Birds". :-)  I rather like the black & white photography.  Thanks for posting them!

Mary W.

Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 09:07:28 am:
Message from John Vickers at


We had an earthquake here this morning...I woke up shortly after 5 and my closet sliding doors were rattling very loudy...I got up in bed and my whole bedroom was shaking back and forth.  It was scary.  It lasted about 10 seconds and after it got going, I had the feeling that if it increased much more in intensity I was figuring to run outside - you had the feeling the whole house would just buckle or collapse.  Wasn't much in the national news - the epicenter was only a few miles from Victoria out in the water and I guess my neighbourhood got the worst of it as we are just above sea level.

Not something I would wish for someone to live through!  I have experienced a couple before where you felt the house was sliding suddenly and that was it - never the real back and forth hard shaking like this morning.  I believe it was just over 4 on that scale they use to measure them.  It kind of makes you feel that you are a very tiny force in this world.

John V

Saturday, December 11, 1999 - 04:20:30 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


Not a word about that earth quake on the news.  Are you sure it was not the rum you were drinking last night?

Tomorrow, I am off to Dundee, Scotland.  Spending the week in the United Kingdom.  Stops in Birmingham and London.

Then to Amsterdam, Netherlands next Saturday.  Return to Canada on December 21.

Where do the grandmother's people, the Loggies come from?


(Kevin - sorry, I don't drink rum! :) Actually it was on the CTV News 1 for a while in the morning and at that, it was not anywhere near the top story - it should have been!  Uncle George Kingston I believe has a Loggie Tree..maybe we should post that on the Kingston site.  What a trip you're going on!  Great way to see the world!  I flew into Birmingham once - if you want to blend in with the locals, remember to wear a plaid jacket, shirt or tie...Plaid is really big there!...JV)

Sunday, December 12, 1999 - 08:38:25 am:
Message from Kevin VICKERS at :

Just kidding "little brother" was major news here in Ontario...Vancouver and the Island, like LA is going to slide into the Ocean one of these days.  Pleasant dreams....I know you sleep well...


Monday, December 13, 1999 - 02:16:17 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Hi folks,

Speaking of the Loggies... I was at a party at the W.S. Loggie House the other night and there was a teachers' licence issued to "Wealthy Mary Loggie".  It was framed and hung on a wall in one of the historic rooms. I wonder if she was a relative?  Boy, her parents sure put the pressure on selecting her first name -- I wonder if she lived up to it! :)

I am getting excited about the annual grand Kingston party.  I understand the Leslies are hosting this year (?).  It is always a traditional Irish Catholic event complete with a very pious mass followed by a free flow of booze,philosophizing, and great food.  It is such a fun event.  I am so glad we do this as it is often the only time we get to see and chat with all the family.  Isn't that right Mary, DARLING? (Ha!, A little reminder of last year for Mary Rawlinson :))

Take Care all....ME



  Beatles Christmas Greeting

Thursday, December 16, 1999 - 03:34:38 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi All,

How's it goin Tom?  (I happen to know my first cousin checks in everyday)

Tom is flying to the Miramichi for Christmas.  I have been fortunate enough to attend Christmas dinner at Aunt Stephanie's and the meal itself is worth the flight home..:)

The news was saying local stores are selling out of earthquake survival kits.  I guess the recent shake has people abit more sensitive to the powers of mother nature.  They say if the west coast fault ever does release, a 9 on the scale earthquake would be 100,000 times stronger than what we recently had.  My response was that would be impossible as there would be nothing left.  I came to find out that after 7 on the scale or so, the magnitude of the shaking is about at it's peak.  It is just that the shaking goes on for a longer length of time - about 20 minutes.  I was thinking when you consider the impact of our little 7 second shake, that would be 20 minutes I sure wouldn't wish to live through..:) I would equate that to harnessing 50 wild elephants and trying to ride out the storm!

Merry Christmas Mary Ellen! Can you imagine - Wealthy?!

John V

Friday, December 17, 1999 - 05:40:02 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at


>followed by a free flow of booze,philosophizing, and great food. <

Mary Ellen, this sounds about as "Kingston" as you can get! :-)

John, the earthquake sounded really terrifying and the possibility of more to come, rather unnerving.  Maybe you should move!  Nestled here in the midwest we don't have to worry about all those wretched acts of god you dear bravehearts on the coasts quakes, no hurricanes, no noreasters, no typhoons, no tidal waves...just the occasional boring little tornado passing through...but since we live near Lake Michigan, they never come this close.  Someone does occasionally drown in Lake Michigan which is about the extent of the disaster excitement in this neck of the woods (well, I guess Jeffrey Dahmer was pretty exciting). :-)

Work has been absolutely insane with all the holiday parties, gift certificate sales, etc.  Sometimes when I get home I feel like that lady in "The Birds" after she had been nearly pecked to death!  Business is booming but everyone feels kinda beaten up!  Two more weeks and we can maybe exhale a bit.

Mary W.

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 11:45:20 am:
Message from The Annual Kingston Christmas Party at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi this is Uncle George at the annual Christmas gathering that was held for years at Monica and Bill Vicker's for years.  I especially remember all the whooping river log drivers of both main branches of the MIramichi River and their tributaries at this time as this is bound to be most of them who are already in Heaven.

See Ya George

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 11:53:50 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, everyone - it's Mary leslie logging on from the annual Kingston Christmas party which is being held at the home of my sister Anne and her family this year.  We've just finished Mass compliments of Father McGrath and are about to dive into a huge pot luck supper.  I'm going to try to snag a few people into leaving their thoughts.  Wish you were here!!!

Hi, I'm Nicola Napke.  I wish you all were here.

Hi, it's Ed Rawlinson and Mary, Erin and Amy - at the Napke's for the Kingston Christmas reunioun!  I've been busy getting everybody a drink, and now I'm really hungry.  There's enough food here to keep the men in a log drive going for a week!

Merry Christams to all and a Happy New Year.

Ed Rawlinson and Family

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 11:59:48 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, it's Andrea Napke.  We are having lots of fun.  I hope that everyone has a nice Christmas.   There are lots of people here and lots of food.  My sister Nicola made candy cane cakes and they are really good.  If you want the recipe, I bet she'll give it to you.  Bye!!


Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 12:03:55 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at :

Hi I'm here at Ann and Nicks house in 1999.  Amy

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 12:22:56 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, it's Nicola Napke

I just wanted to wish everybody a Merry Christmas!!!!!!! P.S The party is great.

Hi it's Alana Napke. My cousins are here today for our Christmas party.  We have pop and chips vegetables and dip and for dessert we have blueberry cheese cake and fudge.  I wish you were here  LOVE ALANA!

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 12:35:32 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne and Nick Napke's:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Millenium from Rob, Elan, Kelsy and Brian Leslie

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 12:36:07 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne and Nick Napke's:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Millenium from Rob, Elan, Kelsy and Brian Leslie

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 12:44:54 am:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne and Nick Napke's:

Hi, it's Nick and Family . We are having a small christmas party in comparison to the Napke Clan , but it looks like everyone is having a good time.  My daughter Alana is very happy with the menu , and I think the adults are satified with the beverages.

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:04:57 pm:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, it is a great time to get together before Xmas - this is just a sampling of our great plans for the Kingston 2000 Reunion in Aug.  Looking forward to seeing everybody - Hope you all have a Happy Christmas and all the best in 2000 - See you - Stephanie

Hello John Vickers,

This is your sister Mary writing and I just know that you would have thoroughly enjoyed this feast this afternoon.  Lots of food, good company, and talk.  We are on our way now, hello to everyone.  Wish you were all here.  Mary Rawlinson

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:12:15 pm:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, I'm Megan and I'm 5 years old (mary is typing for me). I'm Barbara (Leslie) and Mark Dunnett's daughter. I'm waiting for santa and his reindeer. I really liked the cookies.  Merry Christmas and happy new year.  I love you.

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:17:27 pm:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi I am ken kingston son of Aloysius and Elanor . Hoping to meet all my relatives at the renuion.

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:25:48 pm:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, it's Irene Loggie, niece of Lillian Loggie-Kingston. Having a nice time at the Kingston family gathering. Merry Christmas and Happy New Millenium to everyone. I'll be seeing you all at the Kingston Reunion in the summer of 2000.

Hi, I'm Eleanor Kelly-Hay.  I'm the daughter of Fred and Aletha.  Daddy's father and Annie Kelly-Loggie (Lillian's mother) were brother and sister.  Enjoying myself immensely at this lovely Christmas gathering. Merry Christmas to everyone and see you at the Kingston and Kelly reunion, which is also this summer.

Sunday, December 19, 1999 - 01:42:12 pm:
Message from Kingston Christmas Gathering at Anne & Nick Napke's:

Hi, I'm Janna Napke. I'm 4 years old. Thank you for coming. I want Santa to bring me a flowered guitar and a watch.  Merry Christmas cousins!

Hi, I'm Rebecca Ritchie and I'm 4 and a half years old. I had a fun time today and met 2 new friends.  Merry Christmas!  I want a medical trolley, a sleeping beauty barbie and fruit fantasy barbie for Christmas.

Wednesday, December 22, 1999 - 07:30:03 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


There has never been so many Kingston's walking into the Gill Net Lodge at one time! Liquor reserves were considerably reduced! :)  We will welcome another visit at New Year's!

Merry Christmas to my family and to everyone else from out here in Victoria, BC!

Christmas Art

Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 12:43:43 am:
Message from Samuel Kingston Vickers at

Merry Christmas to all from Indian Rocks Beach Florida from Bill and Monica and Kingston Vickers!

Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 05:28:34 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Holy Moley!

What a slew of messages! It was great to hear from everyone who attended the Kingston Xmas party! Have a wonderful Christmas one and all!

Mary W.

Thursday, December 23, 1999 - 06:44:40 pm:
Message from will vickers at

It was great reading everyone's comments at the annual Kingston Christmas dinner!

Wishing one and all a Merry Christmas!  I hear that Tommy Kingston is on his way to the Miramichi!



Friday, December 24, 1999 - 09:08:07 am:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


This web site was a great idea.  I believe this Christmas everyone in the Kingston clan feels a little more "connected" as a result of your endeavours in keeping this site going.  Relatives who are too shy to post are the ones who probably get the most from your efforts, especially this time of the year.

The fireplace is on in Blackburn Hamlet.  There is some snow on the ground.  Friends are dropping in.  The fridge is full of food and beer, wish all of you out there were here.  Remember Christmas morning at grandmother and grandfather Kingston's.  There would be like 4 pounds of cooked "sticklen's suasages", two dozen "sunny side up" fried eggs on large white platter, home made bread toasted over the fire on the wood stove.  And I wonder why have trouble with my weight.  If you were not 20 lbs over weight, Grandmother would say you are not healthy.

She would say to all of you, "have a blessed Christmas and a holy and prosperous New Year".  She would have sent everyone of you a pair of her knitted mittens.


Twas The Night Before Christmas...
                         Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
               Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
             The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
          In hopes that ST. NICHOLAS soon would be there;
        The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
                 While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
                     And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
                      Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
                    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
                    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
                        Away to the window I flew like a flash,
                     Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
                     The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
                      Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
                    When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
                     But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
                       With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
                        I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
                     More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
                 And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
                         "Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now,
                               PRANCER and VIXEN!
                    On, COMET! on CUPID! on, DONDER and BLITZEN!
                      To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
                      Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
                     As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
                   When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
                     So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
                     With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
                      And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
                      The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
                     As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
                   Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
                    He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
                  And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
                       A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
                   And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
                  His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
                    His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
                     His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
                   And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
                      The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
                    And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
                      He had a broad face and a little round belly,
                   That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
                     He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
                    And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
                       A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
                     Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
                    He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
                   And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
                        And laying his finger aside of his nose,
                       And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
                   He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
                    And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
                    But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 01:38:46 pm:
Message from patty kelly at

Hi Gang, Patty here.  I have all the family here for the xmas dinner.   We are not yet hooked up to our own internet,so are using Robs.  Anne Marie and Robert's dog ("Nelson" no less) has just swallowed a beer cap, (Brendan's no less)  I have to go and retrive it now.  Happy new year to all.

Patty, Brendan, Barry, Rob and Anne Marie.

Sunday, December 26, 1999 - 07:41:42 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Patty!!!

Welcome to the Gill Net!  I am seriously wondering how you intend to "retrieve" a beer cap from that poor doggie's tummy!!??  I hope everything comes out ok.

We had a wonderful Christmas in the new house with both sides of the family in attendance.  The dogs were a little nuclear with all the guests but, for minpins, they did pretty good.  Now, if we can all get through next Friday night we should have it made in the shade for the rest of our lives.

Kevin, your post about Grandmother was truly precious! Thank you!

Mary W.

Monday, December 27, 1999 - 04:11:42 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi All,

Just came back from three wonderful days away at a secluded spot along the ocean. An amazing break for a working zombie! Sounds like you could relate Mary W.

Now Rob, as the acting Internet provider on command with your folks, we bestow you the reponsibility of wiring their computer up to the Gill Net Lodge.  I got caught up with many of your escapades when your brother Barry stayed for a weekend a few months back - I didn't realize what a great goaltender you were!

So what is everyone doing when the clock strikes 12 at New Years for 2000? Living in the year 2000 still seems kind of strange even though New Year's is so close.

John V



                                                                                                                        Xmas was fine in 99"!

Tuesday, December 28, 1999 - 05:20:55 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at


First off, I want to second the previous adulation and thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating and so fastidiously maintaining this web site.  It is such a great way to stay in touch with all of you!  I still intensely miss my mother and staying connected with all of you is like still being connected to her. There is so much in all of you that is just so much like her. Thank you John.

As for what I will be doing when the clock strikes midnight Friday night...I have to work until maybe 5pm (day shift) and am then coming home.  Jack has to work VERY late that night...executive chef has to be there 'till the bitter end.  I plan to snuggle up with my little doggies and watch the CNN coverage of millenium happenings from around the world.  I am not afraid of any freak-a-zoid armagheton-type things happening but I am a little afraid that human beings will go nuts and cause mayhem.  I just want to be safe and sound at home with my sweet animals.  We are going to Sue and Dick's on New Year's Day for the official Weissler Xmas celebration.  Good luck everyone!!!

Mary W.

Wednesday, December 29, 1999 - 12:30:17 am:
Message from Mary Kingston at

Merry Christmas to you Sam Kingston bunch!

While I am not of your exact lineage (being a grand daughter of Sam's brother Con Kingston) I certainly enjoyed viewing your website - especially the pictures.  I visited some Sam relatives in real life while I was in New Brunswick over the holidays - Bill, Loreen, Dennis, David and families.  All are doing well and look great.  I also saw Mary Leslie last month and expect her to come to Halifax for a party in late January.

Now that I know where to find you, I plan to check the website when I can to catch up on your news.

Good luck with the 2000 reunion.  I know it will be a great time.  Who knows - if we're around Trout Brook that weekend, we may stop by for a visit.  No doubt the stories will be worth the drive!

Have a great holiday and a wonderful New Year!

Mary Kingston (Bernard's daughter)

Wednesday, December 29, 1999 - 04:12:11 pm:
Message from Patty & Brendan Kelly at

We are happy to say we have our own email address!  Happy New Year to all!

Patty & Brendan

Wednesday, December 29, 1999 - 08:57:13 pm:
Message from Michael Lyman Hartery at

Hello to the Kingston clan from the Hartery homestead in Newcastle (Mirimachi), N.B.  Mom (Rosella) and I are here looking at your web site and we are impressed.  We would like to say Happy New Year to all and have a safe journey to the reunion this summer.

Later and send me some emails with pictures ...

Rosella and Michael Hartery

(Editor's Note:  The Hartery's are our next door neighbours on Lawlor Lane back home.  They grew up having Grandmother around like we did...JV)

Thursday, December 30, 1999 - 07:49:42 am:
Message from Steve Kingston at

My kudos to John V as well - I read this thing once a day (my life should have more regularity like this!).  Will try to drop a line more frequently in the coming year. (Watchfire is hoping to go public by next Christmas so it will be a busy year ahead)
Spending a quiet New Year's, taking the kids sliding (and hopefully skating) at a nearby park.  Winter has finally really hit - about 30 cms (1 ft) in the last 2 days.  The way it should be. Had a great visit with Giulia's family in Sudbury Ont.  The kids are still buzzed on Christmas, great fun.

Best wishes for 2000.


Thursday, December 30, 1999 - 04:44:28 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :

Great to see you here Aunt Patty.  I always think of you on December 24th because as children we were allowed to open one present on this day.  My sister Mary and I always chose to open yours as young kids.  I also remember you biking up to our house from grandmothers on a bike that seemed so huge for your petite size.  A few weeks back while in the Toronto area, I drove by this old old building which was a secretary school, and somehow I believe in my youth, I recall meeting you at this building with my Mom and Dad.  It brought that feeling of "deja vu".

Great to see a visit to this site by Michael HARTERY.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news to all grandmother's grand children but we were all close seconds in her heart compared to Michael.  If my memory serves me right, one of Michael's brothers received a new bicycle for a birthday present.  Michael was so young that he did not understand why he did not get a bike and tears started to flow.  Well grandmother could not bare to see her little Michael in such a state, and quickly ensured a new bike was obtained for Michael.  The other thing I remember of Michael as a very very young boy is that he had a special nose to detect just when grandmother's chocolate chip cookies were coming out of the oven.  I can hear him yet, " tank (thank) you for taa (the) coooooookieeeee".  This pronunciation brought great joy to grandmother.


Thursday, December 30, 1999 - 06:51:10 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


Thank you everyone for those kinds words re:Gill Net Lodge.  It has been lots of fun keeping this going.  I find it's a great way to unwind from a hectic day.  (Hopefully I shall keep my days hectic! ..:))

Kevin, I agree that we are all of second class status compared to Micheal Hartery. Actually the same can be said for his brother Gary as well.  Grandmother sure loved all the Hartery's.

John V

Friday, December 31, 1999 - 05:57:53 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Happy New Year everyone!  May the year 2000 bring you and yours new adventures and challenges which make you grow as individuals!

Spent a few days on the Miramichi just after Christmas and while there saw a photo of Grandmother's (Lillian) mother; my great grandmother.  The resemblance was remarkable.  This gene thing is really scary.

I want to echo other comments re John's work on this site - at the same time, I know that it is a labor of love because he really does enjoy it....I can shines through, a kin to carving pumpkins. Right, John?  Do you paint or sketch?

Love to everyone,