MAY 2000

(And Guests)

Welcome to the month of MAY Gill Netters!
Just twelve weeks and it's REUNION TIME!
If you want to know the latest information as per the camp site, what you'll need, etc. please click here for
Mary Leslie's last 2000 Update..:)

Remember to receive your official Gill Net Lodge T-shirt at the reunion - you gotta post a message in here once and a while!

Click here to view all the notes from April (including a late comment from Tom Kingston) and preceding months.   To view the latest comments from your many relatives - just scroll further down this page.

Click on our Moose to leave us your thoughts!

Monday, May 1, 2000 - 06:06:32 am:
Message from PATTY KELLY at

John, love that truck but a FORD?  Happy 1st of May.

(As Tom says - a blue Ford at that Aunt Patty! :)...jv)  I had borrowed a digital camera from work when I took my truck pictures and decided to use it and take some pictures around the neighbourhood.  They are here if you're interested - they'll probably take a while to download..:)

Tuesday, May 2, 2000 - 09:26:56 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at


Mary Ellen, I'm Rh negative as well and big deal.  And I received my Vesey seed
order today on a rainy cool Nova Scotia day..... it gives one faith in spring....can't wait to dig
in the earth and get things growing.

You are not pulling our leg again with the Ann Loggie story......after Jimmy my trust level is not what it used to be!!!!!

Cheers and love,

Tuesday, May 2, 2000 - 04:23:25 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>You are not pulling our leg again with the Ann Loggie story. <

ROFL!  Brenda, I am such an unbelievably gullible sucker this never even entered my mind!  It did sound a bit over the top, no?

John, is that really where you live or are those photos you scanned in out of National Geographic? Looks like a lovely place even if it is in Germany.  Also, don't try to pull the wool over our eyes concerning that big, honkin' truck.  I think I saw those same photos at our local Ford dealership in their big showroom ads.  I suspect you live in a van down by the rivah and drive a rusted '84 Escort!

Mary W.

Tuesday, May 2, 2000 - 04:50:52 pm:
Message from John Vickers at :

Hi you guys,

Yes, the Loggie lady is real and I'll keep you posted..:) (and yes, my truck and my neighbourhood are real too!)

Life for hockey fanatics is quite exciting lately especially when you consider the Toronto Maple Leafs are going to battle back and beat New Jersey...:) The only problem I have with the games out here is that they start at 4pm and work doesn't end until 5...

Mary, maybe sometime when you and Jack are up for a vacation you should come visit way out here...:)

John V

Wednesday, May 3, 2000 - 06:06:07 pm:
Message from Anne Marie at

Hi all,
The world is indeed a small place.  Good Friday, I went to a local bar-Karma Local Art House and a band called Mississippi Steamboat was the entertainment.  As they were introduced, I almost fell off my barstool, as the guitar player was Sean Kingston.  I chatted with him to see if we were related and by George (my Dad) verified it was so.  One of Sean’s great-greats was a Sam Kingston (not ours) but definitely connected.  His grandfather was Gerald and his father is Patrick. Kingston is not a common name out here in the west.

Life continues on and the weather has been in the high teens.  Finally confirmed my travel plans –arrive July 13 and depart August 14.  Thought I’d take in the Irish Festival and say Hello to the Kelly reunion (we are related to them thru a great grandmother). Exploring the Maritimes is the plan –it has been 7 years since I was there.


Friday, May 5, 2000 - 04:40:49 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hey John,

We'd love to come for a visit sometime...looks like a beautiful spot and Stanley and Albert would love to meet Sam! :-)  Likewise, if you ever get down this way, we have plenty of room and Milwaukee is a rather fun town.  Can you say BEER? :-)

Ann Marie, I envy your being able to spend a whole month on the Miramichi!  Sounds like heaven to me!

Mary W.

Friday, May 5, 2000 - 04:48:44 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Hi again:
Ann Marie, if you are into exploring the Maritimes, you are most welcomed to come visit beautiful Nova Scotia....we are close to beaches, fishing villages, summer theatre and festivals so you should check it out (and it has less of those pesky flies you find on the Miramichi....perhaps we get more summer breezes)

Cheers and love to all,

Saturday, May 6, 2000 - 05:21:58 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Hi folks,

Today was a glorious day in Miramichi.  I think winter is finally over Yahoo!!!

I was outside with the girls this evening and a deer was having a feast on the new hay sprouting in the back field.  It was not too concerned about us being so close by, but when the cat looked at it like it was the biggest mouse he had ever seen, he high-tailed 'er out of our lot.

I saw Aunt Stephanie at a yard sale this morning at the Knights of Columbus hall and she reminded me that we have a Kingston Family reunion meeting tomorrow.  It is hard to believe we only have a few more weeks left.  Thank God for Aunt Stephanie and Mary Leslie.  They deserve to be pampered really well during the weekend for all the work they have done.  I am looking forward to being off of work a few weeks before the reunion so I can get my part done --- I used to be organized until I had children :)

I hope everyone is well.  I hear my dear sister JoAnn and family are heading off to Germany in the near future.  Maybe they will scan a few pictures of the sites and the children onto the site (?).  Take Care....ME

Monday, May 8, 2000 - 06:12:57 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Love the animated moose, John....did you ever see the movie Tommy Boy with the late Chris's so stupid, it's funny.....where they crash into the caribou, I believe, stash him in the back of the car to take him to the vet or someplace.....anyhow, your moose reminded me of the movie or vice versa.
(it revives to live another day and wrecks the car)

Monday, May 8, 2000 - 07:14:33 am:
Message from JohnVickers at

Hi Brenda,

I do recall seeing a movie about Farley and crashing into a caribou - it was hillarious!

Spent the weekend in Parksville, about half way up the Island.  So great to get away from it all - friends were collecting what are called Sand Dollars out on the beach when the tide went out - these flat round live things.  They wanted to know if we had them out east and I could not remember if  they were in the Maritimes or not.  (Anyone know??)  Also saw lots of people digging for what must have been clams - remembered some great clam boils on the Miramichi.  A couple summers ago, I drove down to Miramichi Bay and purchased about 7 or 8 pounds - the pile of steaming open shells on the middle of our kitchen table resembled a mountain!

John V

Tuesday, May 9, 2000 - 09:01:38 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Oh, yes, John, lots of sand dollars on the East Coast...there is a lovely Indian legend that goes with it and I know I have a copy somewhere.


Friday, May 12, 2000 - 11:37:21 am:
Message from mary rawlinson at :

I have just read the update on the Kingston page for the month of May. It is amazing that I live not that far from MaryEllen, yet my main means of keeping current with her is through the GillNet page. We are expecting Kevin and Ann here for the weekend, they are planning their move here. They have purchased a beautiful home. It is going to be nice to have a brother in the vacinity. John, Will and Kingston take a hint. Brenda, I too have recieved my Veseys seeds catague. I have about twenty geraniums started and 10 tomoto plants up.

Friday, May 12, 2000 - 12:01:58 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Very NICE to hear from you Mary (Vickers) Rawlinson.  How are the plans coming for KINGSTON REUNION do we still all have to bathe in the river?  Patty.

Friday, May 12, 2000 - 03:35:42 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


Yes it is true.  I am returning to the Miramichi.  After 24 years of service in the RCMP, which included numerous moves across this truly glorius country, I have the priviledge to serve the people of my home province.  Throughout my career, my token saying was, "I am just a poor boy from the North Shore of New Brunswick", well now it is true.  Maybe not so poor but definitely from the North Shore. I am going to be in charge of District 8 which includes such places as Tracadie, Neguac, Shippegan, Caraquat, Lemeque, Tabusintac and Burnt Church.  Everything will be in French which I am looking forward to as I love my second language.

Mary W, in fact I will have a second home in Tracadie.  I recall you, your man, Dad and I spent a day a Tracadie beach not that long ago.  I also remember spending time with your mom, Sue, Mark and George there as a child.  It seems to me that your mom had lobster on the menu every meal.  Well all relatives now you have a place to stay on your next trip to Tracadie.

Mary W, I read your message wherein you advised that Mark and Sue would be unable to attend the reunion.  This can not be.  Please advise Mark, as I continue to work on a daily basis with the FBI and the United State Department of Jutice, that I can assure him if he decides to miss the reunion, he will not, not, be attending the function that he is planning to attend.  I guarantee it.  Tell Mark, that I am taking this drastic measure, not for our benefit but for that of his mother's.  I am not kidding Mary!
And dear little Suzanne. She has to attend. She has to be there with her Dad.

Brenda. What about Chris and Barry? Are they coming? Neither of them have spoken to me since you cheered for me after I out shot them in shooting the pebble off of the top of the Grave Apple Juice can with .22 cal on the post in Uncle Billy's back yard.


Friday, May 12, 2000 - 04:06:03 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen at :

Hi all,

Kevin, it will be great having you back in N.B.  I do hope now that I can anticipate fewer speeding tickets when I go through that area for meetings.ha!

John, how are things progressing with the Loggie Lady? Just in case you didn't know, Ray & I were engaged after 3 weeks of dating. :)  No regrets (most days) either. :)

Aunt Patty, I got quite a shock at the last family reunion when I found out that "being self-sufficient" did not mean bring your own hair dryer and microwave.  We may indeed need to bathe in the river.:)  I am cutting my hair progressively shorter just in case.  I think it should be fun --- I plan to keep up wind as the days go on..

Well, I best be off. Rebecca is still up and needs some direction to find her bed. Take Care....ME

Friday, May 12, 2000 - 07:14:33 pm:
Message from JohnVickers at

Hello!  Came home from work this evening and I noticed a case of beer on my front porch.  I then noticed a particular individual having one while sitting on my lawn chair.  It appears a one Tom Kingston has landed in Victoria for a visit.  I present the evidence with my digital camera.

Looks like a fun weekend in Victoria...

John V

(Tampa's Bay's The Bay 107.3 FM)
(Our Indian Rocks, Florida, Lie In The Sun Station...:)

Monday, May 15, 2000 - 04:03:02 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Wowie Zowie Kevin!!!!!!!!!!!!

What wonderful WONDERFUL news!  I'm really excited for you and you sound very excited as well. :-) I'm sure all the Kingstons on the Miramichi must be jumping up and down in sheer glee to be welcoming home a native son!

I remember Tracadie well.  I remember the little trailer we rented with the chain-flushing toilet (quite the novelty for a kid).  I remember giagantic bon fires on the beach, digging for clams and having them for supper, my brothers going out on the lobster boats, and all the little local children who spoke only French.  I remember they were very poor but they seemed endlessly exotic to me because of the French. :-)

And I do remember our trip back (man, that has got to be about 13 years ago!).  We had a good talk about Grandfather Kingston and the role he played in his children's lives.  I never knew him well at all (he was already quite ill by the time I was around) and you filled in alot of valuable information for me. Thanks!

John Vickers, we have not heard anymore about Ms. Loggie. Sup with that?????? Also, we would all like a full report on what you and that grinning mug right above my message did this weekend! Hi Tommy!!!

Mary W.

(Hi Mary!  Ms. Loggie had to cancel lunch, we rescheduled and then I had to cancel...shall keep you posted....Tom and I had a great time Friday night (too great)....easy day Saturday, we played pool (8-ball) for a couple hours - tied best of 5's with a 5-1victory and Tom stormed back with a 5-3 victory...Tom is slowly becoming a better player!! (That'll get em') He headed out Sunday and drove 14 hours to get back to MacKenzie...says the drive was uneventful except for the RCMP lady who pulled him over for speeding...jv..: ) :)

"Tom's drive home song"

Hey, I hear there was a another Kingston reunion meeting recently - anyone has some
info, remember us out here in computer world!  John V

Go Philly!

Sunday, May 21, 2000 - 06:22:59 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at


Your "dog dreams" animation for today is absolutely adorable! :-)

Mary W.

Sunday, May 21, 2000 - 04:50:40 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Howdy folks,

Ray, the girls and I went camping for the "weekend" yesterday, but as you can see from my e-mail we bailed put tonight. It was not one of our better trips.  I didn't pack enough blankets, so Ray ended up with a receiving blanket to keep him warm (I had the baby in bed with me so I got the benefit of a few warm ones) and boy was it cold!  Katie-Rose kept waking up and screaming as she did not know where she was.  We woke up this morning and our hose for water was frozen so Katie-Rose had to wait to get changed and fed. My 1/2 remaining nerve went after that one :)  Then to top it all off, Rebecca seems to have come down with the flu.  As I said not one of our better trips.  Ah well, they can only get better :)

John, you were asking about the reunion meeting.  Things are progressing very well.  One question I have for everyone is whether it would be worth it to hire a DJ for Saturday night?  I had planned to make the arrrangements, but since finding out that she/he would need to hook his/her equipment up using a generator, I am wondering if it is something people would really use or want.  I welcome your opinions.

Well, best be off. Take Care...

Sunday, May 21, 2000 - 06:44:45 am:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi Mary Ellen,

Sounds like a great idea.  I also recall a number of musicians in the clan and the idea of a hootenany sounds great too.  Maybe we should do both...:)

Aunt Patty I received the picture you forwarded in the mail - yes, he does look like SAM!  (My scanner won't properly scan the picture as it is larger than the norm..:(.....)  I just pulled a pan of mother's rolls out of the oven - so goood with butter..!

JOhn V

Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 08:23:01 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at :

Any other opinions/suggestions about Saturday, August 5th? Or for that matter, any suggestions for what you want happening during the reunion? Please advise....

Thursday, May 25, 2000 - 10:15:07 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Mary Ellen, perhaps some information from the most recent reunion meeting posted on the Web site would be helpful.  I understand there is a fee to cover the three days; $20 for adults and ????for children.  Information like that might be helpful for those planning to attend at this point.  I would assume for those not staying on site but travelling back and forth to activities from another location, that if they don't have a place to stay in the area, they should inquire about hotel, motel, campground
accommodations in or around the Miramichi...A list of chores might be really helpful.  I am willing to help but not being there, someone has to provide me with it still too far away to be specific about who does what?

I don't want everything to fall on the shoulders of the people on the Miramichi and certainly since Mary Leslie has been gracious enough to provide the spot, we all must pitch in and help.  I'm not so sure I would want 164 (?) people tromping over myproperty for three days......However, I am sure that everyone coming realizes that and does not expect to be catered to in any way, right?!

So get that list of chores organized and give us marching orders...

(Also a reminder to all that under the events section, I have an accommodation icon with direct links to local hotels, etc...jv)

Friday, May 26, 2000 - 05:46:11 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>does not expect to be catered to in any way, right?!<

Uhhhhh...excuse me? I am expecting not to have to move from my chaise lounge from where I will be served lots of exotic drinks with little umbrellas. I thought we were going to hire a full service staff! ;-)

Mary W.

Friday, May 26, 2000 - 05:53:11 pm:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


That looked like a career ender for Eric.  What a hit!  This is the only time of the year I watch hockey.

Mary, little umbrellas in drinks??  Reality check - Moose Flies, Deer Flies, mosquitos, no-see-ums, nats, black flies, midgets, = loss of weight due to loss of blood.  Think more in terms of "Deep Woods Off" or " Muskol".

I hope that your genes kindles your ancestral romance of the New Brunswick Forest. As beautiful as it is, be prepared.


Kevin, watching him lay there was one of the saddest moments I have seen in hockey....jv

I received email's from Mary Leslie and also from Uncle George and Stephanie, who request feedback on a draft report on the KINGSTON 2000 reunion ...CLICK HERE

  Go Dallas!  (Now that Philly's gone, I hope Dallas kicks the New Jersey Devils butts!..jv)

Faith Hill on MP3