The Gill Net Lodge


August 2003

Past notes are here.

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below by clicking the moose!

Tuesday, August 5, 2003 - 06:41:58 am:
Message from Anne Marie at :

Hello to ALL

Patty I am surprised you haven't posted yet.  Magnus is now on a 24 hr insulin pump, probably one of the youngest in NB.
I am on holidays until Sept 2nd and plan to travel to Sask and BC in my new car - Honda Civic.  It has been nearly 16 years since i bought a car.  Mom and Dad can now quit worrying - LOL.

The picture brought back memories of the reunion.  Is the next one in 2005?


Tuesday, August 5, 2003 - 10:57:04 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Hello all, A.M. yes I am behind.  Yes!!!!  We are moving - sold our home in Glencoe (been here 16 years, a record), moving to Sarnia, Aug. 22 - John does that place ring a bell?  The drive for Brendan is fifty minutes one way, to long.  We are looking forward to it. Bought a 3 level side split off of Indian Road, about 2 blocks away from lots of shopping.  Reunion 2005, great idea.

Love, Patty

Patty, I believe it is 20 years this year since I delivered the afternoon news in Sarnia for "Kentucky Fried Chicken" at CKJD am....:-)
John  (ME - are you the reunion rep on the Miramichi for the Gill Net?)

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 - 06:59:01 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at :

I am thnking that Mary Leslie should be the reunion chair. I would welcome an opportunity to assist her.

Wednesday, August 6, 2003 - 11:55:48 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Mary Leslie, Mary Ellen and Mary Rawlinson - three cheers for the MARY'S! Go, go, go!!!!
Reunion 2005.  Love Patty.

Below is the link to pictures of John Kingston's visit to Vancouver and Galiano Island.

Tom Kingston

Sunday, August 10, 2003 - 03:50:52 pm:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Hi Tommy et al:

Leaving in the boonies here in N.S., we don't have high-speed Internet so it takes me forever to download photos.  However, I did take a look at some of your photos from John's visit and my, they were wonderful to see.  Thanks so much for doing that.  Michael, John and you too, all look wonderful!!!!  When the photos first started loading I was seeing you three from the eyes up only and Tommy, you look so like your Dad....Michael, so like your Mom and John, like his Grandmother Lillian.  It was a great treat, Tom. Thanks again!  The sunsets were spectacular as well.

Hope everyone is having a good summer.  We are finishing off a week of it seems like never ending rain but before that was rather parched.

Love to all,

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 07:07:47 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at

Hi everyone,

We spent a great late afternoon and early evening at Vicker's Camp on Sunday.  The potluck supper was organized in honour of Guy Byberg & family's visit to Miramichi.  It was great to see him and his wife and children as well as all of the other family members that we do not see near often enough.

Guy played his guitar and entertained us with some of his original music as well as some of the old faithfuls.  Uncle Joey got a bit misty when we were sining "Gee, it's good to be back home again."  It was wonderful time.

My girls had a great time dancing around and chasing all of the kids that were there.  They fell asleep easily that night!

The Mary's have agreed to tackle the planning of the reunion. It should be a lot of fun planning with them.

Bye for now...

Wednesday, August 13, 2003 - 07:07:17 pm:
Message from John Kingston at

Brenda, your comments about who Mike, Tom and I resemble are great!  I used to think that Mike did not look like either Tom or me but as we get older the similarities come out.

My family and I had a great vacation as we got to visit with many relatives: My sister Anne Marie, brothers Tom and Mike, and cousin John Vickers.  We also made a stop in Kaslo, BC to visit my Mom's sister DeDe, her husband Dick and my cousin Lorna.  All agreed I looked like a Seng!  Ah beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Of couse we also visited Heather's family too: Her Mom and Dad and her two brothers Grant and Brian.  Thanks to Grant we got to see the Orca Whales.  Tom was advocating we go to the pub for a frosty drink. (is anyone surprised?)  Grant on the other hand was very observent and noticed four whale watching boats close by.  He suggested we wait for a bit.  Shortly after we saw the pod of whales! Certainly a highlight of the trip - a rare sight indeed!

Thursday, August 14, 2003 - 12:57:46 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

The camp pot luck sounded great!  Last evening 30 Cathoilc women's league members gave me a pot luck good bye party at the church.  Flowers and gifts and the parish priest in attendance.  For all my hard work, they said.  Even had my friend Chelsey and her mom.  Love, Patty.

Thursday, August 21, 2003 - 05:33:58 pm:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Hi!  This is the quietest site I ever read,  lets write it up.  Kelly's are moving today,  Sarnia here we come.  Lots of work but lots of help.  Looking forward to the move.  Glencoe is getting, smaller, a lot of shops closing.
Take care all.  Love Patty

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 05:48:36 am:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

Well, Aunt Patty, I figure if you have the time to drop a line in the middle of moving, then at least I should take the time to wish you well on the way to Sarnia.  So what goes on in Sarnia?  Where are your grandchildren and will you be closer or further from them?

By the way, a bit of Kingston information and I know some of you know this already...Great Uncle Paul who was Grandfather Sam's brother, married a woman much younger than him, Margaret Malley or "Mammy" as he (and many others) referred to her...I think she worked at the Kingston homestead and that is how they met...anyhow she died this past week on Sunday, I believe, and was buried Thursday.  She and Paul have four children.  Theresa who works at the Atlantic Superstore on the Miramichi, Arthur who lives in PEI, Sonny (Samuel) who lives in Dartmouth, NS and Donnie who lives in Newcastle.  They would be our second cousins, I guess...our parents' first cousins.
Love to all,

Friday, August 22, 2003 - 07:07:12 am:
Message from Mary Ellen at :

A note of interest.... Theresa's son, Michael Connors, works with Ed and I at the College.  He is a really friendly lad and is well known by the students and staff.

I recall I had a Sonny Kingston in my homeroom class at MVHS which I believe was the same guy.  John

Saturday, August 23, 2003 - 07:08:09 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Brendan's work brings us to Sarnia,a ten minute drive for him verses 50 minutes.   One grandaughter Sarah, she will be 15 minutes farther.  Barry will be 10 minutes further also.  They were here for the big move.  Brendan is off to get the horse who will have a new home also.  Yes I remember Paul's wife Marg.
Love Patty.

Had a good chuckle over this one! JV  (An ad from divorce lawyers)

Thursday, August 28, 2003 - 05:26:57 am:
Message from Bernadette Sullivan at

Glad to hear you are safely moved Patty, hope you enjoy Sarnia.

Now I have a question for all the foresters,engineers, woodsmen in the clan.  We had a big Maple tree split during a wind storm, it was a beautiful tree and measured 11ft. 20 inches around the trunk.  Can anyone tell me approximately how old it was.  No smart remarks about not using that other way of calculating measurement!!!!!!!!I   AM AN OLD GIRL SO JUST HUMOR ME.*

Monday, September 1, 2003 - 08:12:56 am:
Message from Patty Kelly at

Let start the month of September with a Great Anniversary Wish to Monica and Bill. How Many 48 or 49? love Patty.