Saturday, May 1, 1999 - 09:33:35 am:
Message from Laura Meaghan Vickers at

Hey Amy,

I didn't get the new Backstreet Boys CD yet but only because it's not out yet.  It doesn't come out until Tuesday, May 18.  But don't worry. I'm gonna get it the day it comes me.

Speaking of the Backstreet Boys. I'm going to bring my collection of Backstreet Stuff home with me this summmer to show you and Erin.  I've got sooooo much more stuff on video than I had before.  I've got three 3" binders full of pictures, posters and interviews and it's all Backstreet Boys.  I know, I admit it I'm truely obsessed. But who cares.  I guess that's what being a teenager is all about right?!

You asked me about the basketball tournament that I was in.  My team came second.  I had to guard this girl who was 5'10" and about 300 pounds.  She nearly ripped my arm right out of my socket and it pulled all the muscles in my neck and shoulder but I'm better now.  The refs didn't even call it.  We only lost by 1 point though so it wasn't too bad.  Two days ago we played the boys team at my school.  We lost by one point again.  It was pretty fun.

I can't wait until I come home to New Brunswick again this summer. There's only 64 days left until I come.  We had so much fun last year.  I still can't beleive that we were at the Camp every day all summer.  Remember how we'd go to the dollar store and by a whole bunch of candy and just pig out?  And remember how we used to try a different flavour of ice cream almost every night at Frank and Allie's?  Nanny seemed to enjoy our daily performances of the Spice Girls.  We just got so hyper that we didn't care how much we'd make ourselves look like idiots. Oh well. I wan't to do it again this summer!

I can feel it already that we're gonna have as much, if not more fun than last year.  My best friend from Calgary is going to come to and I'm sure you and Erin will like her.

We'll I gotta go.  My mom's taking me to the mall today.  She'll probably get me some little thing just like she always does.

Your cousin and friend...

P.S. Check your e-mail. I've sent you like 15 and you haven't replied to any of them so I'm assuming that you haven't checked them. Tell Erin I sent her some too okay?

Saturday, May 1, 1999 - 09:52:09 am:
Message from Laura Vickers at

Hello Kingstons,

Mary W, I was just wondering if you got any nick names dealing with your height when you were in school?  I get "teased" all the time, but I don't mind. I love being tall.  I get called Green Giant, Air Vickers, Xena Warrior Princess, Stretch, Laura Plain And Tall, Chinken Legs, giraffe and CN Tower. Those are just a few of the many. You are pretty tall too.  I guess it's in our genes.

Uncle Willy, I was wondering if you're coming home this summer for the reunion or anything.  If you are would you mind helping me with my basketball.  I would truely appreciate it.  My dad keep telling me how good you are, but I'd like to see for myself.  He tells me that when you dunk and the ball hits the floor, the whole gym shakes.

Uncle John, how does it feel to not go fishing at the Camp every day now that you've gone back to BC?  I hear that you love the Camp just as much as Erin, Amy and myself.  There's nothing better than being in the water at the Camp.  Whether it's swimming over to The Big Rock or canoeing up to the island and then letting the current take you back down river.

Well I better go. I think this web page is really neat. It just keeps getting better and better.  My favorite part is probably the ghost stories.  Nanny, you've got a lot more stories than what you did put on.  I love them too.  Every night when I was yonger you'd come up to tuck me in before bed and tell me a ghost story.  I love them.


Monday, May 3, 1999 - 04:50:19 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Laura I wish I was still fishing!  It was great out there.  I took some pictures while visiting home and you can view them right here.

Tuesday, May 4, 1999 - 06:29:56 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi everyone!

I'm really sorry I have not been around but our life has been in somewhat of a spin recently.  We have a 9 year old Miniature Pinscher (Albert) and, resulting from a true love for this breed,  I have long been a member of Minpin Rescue, a nanional organization which serves to rescue the breed from shelters and any adverse situation.

I got a call about 10 days ago that there was a little red male who had been surrendered to the humane society here.  Of course, I was off like a shot to get him out of there with the intention of providing foster care until a permanent home could be found.  Well, we fell head over heels in love with him and have decided to keep him. He's a drop-dead gorgeous little guy...full of piss and vinegar, sound and fury!  We have named him Stanley. For those of you not familiar with the breed they weigh in at 6- 10 lbs. and look like little dobermans although the breeds are not related (minpins are a much older breed than dobies).  They are such spitfires it is impossible to describe! They are like a HUGE dog in a very tiny package.  Stanley tries to attack moving cars, trucks and city busses!  He cannot EVER be off-leash! :-)  Anyhoo, we have had our waking hours quite filled with managing and introducing these two.  They are getting on fairly well but both are so *alfa* I have no clue who is going to end up being dominant.  They both seem to realize this about one another and don't test the waters too much. They are a handful!!!!

>Mary W, I was just wondering if you got any nick names dealing with your height when you were in school?<

Actually, a more prominent feature than my heigth was my rather obvious overbite and my nickname at your age was *Horseface*! :-)  I also relate to your being obsessed over the Backstreet Boys, Laura.  You should have been around when the Beatles hit the scene!  I had Beatle pictures hung up over every square inch of wall space in my bedroom, bought every album the DAY it came out and was just really a mess over them!  We girls are so silly but, hey, it's so much fun!!! :-)

John, your trip home makes me feel all warm and fuzzy and we loved looking at the pictures!  Everyone looks just great!  Also, the additions to the photo album were wonderful.  Are those yours or the ones Kevin sent?  We are having a joint birthday celebration this very day up at Suzanne's for me and her.  George is coming up from Chicago and, of course the doggies will attend.  I'll try to get some pictures of us all for the site...and my god, you guys just HAVE to see Stanley and Albert!  Who was the golden retriever with Aunt Patty? Gotta scoot....

Mary W.

P.S. Hi Tommy. :-Þ

Tuesday, May 4, 1999 - 07:45:13 am:
Message from Mary Ellen Kingston-Ritchie at

I love the new additions to the photo shop.  I had been wondering where the picture I took of all the children following Grandmother's funeral had ended up. It's great to see it is still around.

I was amazed at the picture of the family following Aunt Ann Marie & Uncle Joe's wedding. I never realized there was such an age difference among the children. 10 years is a lot when you are little.


Tuesday, May 4, 1999 - 04:43:53 pm:
Message from at :

Mary W

When I think of you and music - I think Simon and Garfunkel -  Was there any of their albums that you did not own?


Tuesday, May 4, 1999 - 09:33:36 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hello everyone!

Kevin, I do believe I had every Simon and Garfunkle album that was released.  They were a great pair and I was sad when they split up, although Simon has certainly gone on to create incredible work on his own.  All those old songs still bring a tear to my eye when I hear them "Bridge Over Troubled Water". :-(

Mary Ellen, where is the picture you mentioned that was taken after Grandma's funeral?  I don't remember seeing that one.

We had a great day together up at Suzanne's today.  We spent the afternoon at a nearby state park right on Lake Michigan with Stanley and Albert.  They were flying around like bats out of hell all day!  These guys are great little athletes and can run like the wind.  Some people who were watching them said "Oh! It's the million-mile-an-hour dogs!"  I'll send John a picture of Albert to put in the photo section so y'all have an idea of what I am talking about... and when I have some of the two of them together I will flood the site with photos! ;-) I know most of you have children...but we have doggies and hope they can be a part of the site too.  Suzanne has 2 Rhodesian Ridgebacks and we have 2 Minpins.

What other pets are out there in the Kingston clan? John, I think we need a new section in the Guestbook entitled "KINGSTON PETS". We could have links like "Pet Stories", "Pet Photos", and for sure a "Pet Chat Room". Get working! :-)

Mary W.

Wednesday, May 5, 1999 - 09:31:24 pm:
Message from Anne Marie at :

Hi to all!!!

Love the new pics--I'll try and get a friend to scan in a picture of my sons and forward them on for all to see.
My second job is dogsitting for friends from the bridge club.  I'm not responsible enough to have dogs full-time but can do it for 60 days a year.

Mom and Dad didn't let us have pets---their hands were full with the 8 of us!!!  The addition of animals would have overwhelmed them as we travel all over Canada.  Just imagine the chaos it would have caused.

Can you believe the weather the renuion site is getting. They were the hottest place in Canada on Monday!!!

Ann Marie

Wednesday, May 5, 1999 - 11:09:38 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi Ann Marie and all...

>Mom and Dad didn't let us have pets---their hands were full with the 8 of us!!! <

This is a telling statement because my mother was fairly turned off to pets too.  She always believed animals should have some sort of use and failed to connect with the concept of animals as "pets".  She finally broke down during my last years at home and let us get a Siamese cat named Gus.  That cat KNEW she didn't like him and would attack her legs every morning as she tried to walk down the steps!  He'd pester her relentlessly and anyone who has ever has a Siamese knows the vocal volume they can achieve if anyone rejects them! :-O

The only animal I know my mother really loved was her horse, Von Aubrey, when she was very young.  I think Grandad made her shoot him (or he shot him) for some reason but I don't remember the whole story.  It was bad and very traumatic for her.  Monica, Carmel or any aunt/uncle you remember?  Mom would always cry when she talked about Von Aubrey.

Ann Marie, as much as you think you might not have time for a pet...they bring lessons into children's (and adult's) lives and teach them so much about unconditional love, care and understanding. IMHO animals are our link to nature and all it's vastness.  Kids should have them to love. :-)

Mary W.

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 05:21:14 am:
Message from Mary Ellen Kingston-Ritchie at

Hi all,

The dscussion about Kingston pets had me thinking and laughing to myself about our Kingston pets. We always had a dog and usually a cat or two, but the icing on the cake was Paula Marie's hobby farm.

P.M. wanted to be a veternarian for years and when she was in high school she found out that she needed to have hands-on experience.  So Dad bought her a farm and we ended up with horses, cows, pigs, and the dreadful chickens.

Now being the more sophisticated of the girls :), I hated the thought of even owning chickens, but what really sent me over the edge was whenever anyone came into the driveway about 50 hens, etc. had to come out to see who was visiting.  I swear a few potential boyfriends never came back because they were mortified -- so was I. I was never so glad as the day they became stewing chickens.

I did enjoy the horses, cows and pigs -- except when they would escape and a neighbours would call to tell us they were a mile up the road eating their lawn.  I will never forget the feeling of racing through the field on the
horses.  Often we would try to race the traffic and would sometimes win.

I now live across the road from the hobby farm which is a subdivision.  I hope someday Rebecca and Baby #2 will want to have a horse.  But I swear, no chicken will come ever come on my property unless it is in a cellophane package. :)

Mary Ellen

Thursday, May 6, 1999 - 09:13:49 pm:
Message from John Vickers at :


Currently doing the hotel circuit re: work, and I was having a coffee in this quaint coffee shop - and low and behold there was a computer screen across the room with a sign that says Free Internet Access. (And guess how much motivation it took to check out Gill Net Lodge???) :)

Mary I would be happy to accomodate your request for a pet shop page (it's now in Family Section).  I always enjoy telling people we have something like 12 dogs growing ran away for so long we had a new dog, one went to personally greet the Via Rail train to Montreal, another sent to the dog house in the sky, a few trades, etc. Our Bernard, Benjamin, became famous on the radio station for consistently dragging his dog house behind him as he strolled through town.

Those pictures I scanned came from my mother, Aunt Carmel and Uncle George. I agree - they're great! I also added a number inside the descendant families sections in case anyone hasn't ventured through there.

John V

Saturday, May 8, 1999 - 12:04:45 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Heya John!

The Pet Page is awesome!  Thank you!  I'll have to get some pictures of Stanley and Albert in there soon.  We still haven't finished the roll of film.  Please, everyone, let's see your dear darling pets!!!

Stan and Al got neutered on Thursday so I am now mom to two adorable little eunichs.  They seem none the worse for wear and bounced right back.  Albert had to wear an elizabethian collar for a day though because he had started licking his incision.  He looked soooooo funny!  A little conehead! :-)

Mary W.

P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all the Kingston moms out there!

Saturday, May 8, 1999 - 10:23:47 pm:
Message from Anne Marie at :

Happy Mother's Day to one and all!!!!

This is Anne [with the E]Marie --this appears to be a challenge for all to remember.. LOL

I hope the mothers of children and pets enjoy the day.  Sam 26 is helping move furniture for Mother's Day gift. Such a practical gift.

I must say my mother is one of the greatest in the world!! Her side kick isn't too bad for an old fella.


Tuesday, May 11, 1999 - 04:14:00 pm:
Message from mary rawlinson at

Hello Everyone, it is wonderful to see all of the corresponding that is going on.  Robert Kelly, where are you? We are waiting Patty's new email address.  John did you have a good trip north?  Will, we have had beautiful weather, lots of planting going on.  I hope your flowers come big and beautiful.  Mary Ellen, how are you?  I am still watering the fern.

Tuesday, May 11, 1999 - 04:28:16 pm:
Message from Erin Rawlinson at


I am Erin Rawlinson, (Monica's grand daughter, Mary's daughter).  The Golden Retreiver is our dog, named Samantha.  She will be the one that never leaves the water when we are at the Kingston Reunion.

I am looking forward to the Kingston reunion.  Sleeping in tents during cool ,sweet, summer nights sounds like me.  I am thirteen now, but by the time the Kingston reunion is here I will be fifteen!  Looking forward to meeting everyone.

Tuesday, May 11, 1999 - 05:13:30 pm:
Message from Mary Ellen Kingston-Ritchie at questct@nbnet.nb,ca:

Hi all,

Mary, I am so glad to here Grandmother's fern is being taken care of.  The other peice I have in my dining room is doing wonderful -- it is amazing what great things haphazard care does for it.  I may be moving back into the office in July and will reclaim my plant then.  Still don't know if I will be staying at the college or going back to the ivory tower.  There have been a few changes at the college and I don't know how the dominos will fall with regard to my position.  I guess I will know at 4:30 on July 2nd. :)

My pregnancy is progressing.  I don't know if I lack maternal instincts or what, but I just HATE the whole process during these 9 months.  Can any other mothers out there relate or is it just me?  I just pray this baby is healthy and happy.  I will put up with whatever I have too -- blimp status included :) -- if my prayers are answered.

Take Care everyone...ME

Wednesday, May 12, 1999 - 07:17:32 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


Back on the road and back at my quaint coffee shop in beautiful downtown Nanaimo, B.C....nice to see the Rawlinson's! Mary R. - thanks in advance for emailing out those meeting notes from home...I haven't been able to check my email since last Sunday...home this weekend and off again for a couple more weeks.

Anyhoo, NHL hockey games every night of the week, life is good.


Thursday, May 13, 1999 - 04:59:40 pm:
Message from Laura Vickers at

Hello Kingstons,

My grandparents arrived here in Ottawa today. (Monica and Bill Vickers).  They travelled from New Brunswick to our front step in exactly 12 hours.  Pretty good timing but not as good as my dad's record of 9 and 1/2.
Anyway, my grandpa wanted me to put the following up on the Gill Net Lodge....

Paul Kingston was at the peak of his success as a woodman.  His cuts were always good, his drives were always successful.  At about that time there appeared an anonymous poem in the North Shore Leader, one of the Newcastle newspapers, which described very well the manner of man that Paul Kingston was and is.

"The North Branch of Sevogle, all Nor'westers will agree,
Is the toughest tributary of the Nor'west Miramichi.
It's a treacherous, rocky torrent, from the Narrows up above
It's a roaring, foam-decked outlaw, and a stream the drivers love.
Where the white "P's" jam the ledges till there isn't room for more.
When the old Sevogle takes the bit in her rush out to sea,
There is always great excitement on the Nor'west Miramichi.
She's a roaring, foam-decked outlaw, but to one man she must bow,
Only one man understands her, knows her when and why and how,
Understands her at her wildest, knows so well her changing moods,
Curbs her when she gets unruly, soothes her when she frets and broods.
He is very understanding, uses no pretense or gloss,
Patient, firm, and never changing, woodman know him as "The Boss,"
Know him firm, unchanging purpose, with a will to dare and do,
Know that when he takes a contract he'll be there to see it through.
Much like this unruly river in his strange and hidden ways,
Free, majestic, never changing, firm and fresh and unafraid,
Ever faithful to his calling, carrying out God's holy will,
Loved his work from early childhood, loves it now and ever will.
Linked together in my memory, ever will these two remain,
The North Branch of Sevogle, and I guess you know his name.
He's up there on that river now, with a hardy crew of men,
God grant that he may live to go there many times again."
Paul Kingston would be my grandmother's,(Monica's) grandfather.

Thursday, May 13, 1999 - 10:52:10 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

>At about that time there appeared an anonymous poem in the North Shore Leader, one of the Newcastle newspapers<

WOW! What a beautiful piece of prose!  I'm leaking tears all over the place!  Laura, thank you for transcribing and Monica and Bill, thanks for finding and sharing this!

Mary W.

Thursday, May 13, 1999 - 11:03:41 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Laura, Monica, Bill...

Does anyone know who wrote this piece and what his/her relationship was to Paul?  It's a powerful statement from someone who loved and admired this man very much.  It blew me away!

Mary W.

Friday, May 14, 1999 - 11:21:53 am:
Message from Kevin Vickers at :


I'll try to get this info for you.  I have read the poem before in the Kingston Book.  Mark may be able to help you in that regard.  I do know the "white P s" was our great grandfather's brand mark on the logs.  Just as cattle ranchers, each woodsman who had a contract to bring in logs - had his own brand - mark.  In this manner if the logs got mixed with other contractor's - there would be a way to distinquish who owned what logs.


Saturday, May 15, 1999 - 07:21:34 am:
Message from John Vickers at


Kevin Sullivan, I arrived home last night and this large white envelop was shoved in my door - got all your pictures!  They are great.  I am travelling this week however will get them scanned and into the photo album very soon.

I have further updated the events icon on the front page.. .I think it is finally taking shape and should prove useful for getting all the important info out from Newcastle.  

Anyhow, I'll check in again at that coffee shop if I am by that way. :)


Saturday, May 15, 1999 - 02:42:15 pm:
Message from Laura Vickers at

Hello everyone.

It's me again.  My grandfather has copied another poem that he would like me to put onto the Gill Net Lodge. And if anyone knows my grandpa... I didn't have a choice.  So here it is.
When our forefathers crossed the sea,
They left a verdant shore.
To come home once more,
With loving hearts.
From landlords chains set free,
They bravely came and settled,
On the shores of Miramichi.

The toil they chose, they did not shirk.
For back through vanished years,
I, dreaming see at their work.
Those sturdy pioneers.

Again the forest seems to stand,
Primeval as of yore.
And ruled by a wild Indian band,
Is Miramichi's fair shore.

Again I see in memory gaze,
The forest all a glow.
Whose brilliant blaze,
The toilers faces show.
All black and heated as they stand,
‘Tis thus I seem to see the men,
Who cleared the greenwood land,
A near the Miramichi.

May hap their thoughts,
Did often roam,
Across the Atlantic wave,
To that fair land,
They still call home.
For though their hearts were brave.
In memory ever green,
They kept the land across the sea,
While they slept the night in Miramichi.

And wake to see stranger skies,
When morning song bird sings.
Their courage stood the test of toil.
And now it seems to me,
Their sleep is sweet,
Beneath the soil of their own Miramichi.

Saturday, May 15, 1999 - 08:44:05 pm:
Message from Kevin Sullivan at

John Vickers, I cannot take credit for the pictures they are Mom & Dads.  I was only the sender.  Although it is funny you mentioned the white envelope.

The Canada Post guy asked me what was in it, when I told him pictures he look at me a little strange. I guess he was a little stressed out it was also the last day to mail your taxes.  And I would have guessed he would have already had a bad day since I don't think I was the only one that had come into the downtown Toronto postoffice that day or would I be the last.  I am glad they arrived ok.


(I have started to scan some into the photo album and more are to come - JV)

Sunday, May 16, 1999 - 10:41:35 am:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi all!

>And if anyone knows my grandpa... I didn't have a choice.<

Hahahaha! Laura, I'm glad your Grandpa is such a tenacious old guy and you are such a pushover! ;-)  Thanks so much for posting the poems...I really enjoyed reading them.

Kevin, I can't wait until John gets all your pictures scanned in.  I saw the first one from the last reunion.  That John Vickers is such a busy guy and we're so fortunate he finds the time to take such excellent care of this site for us all.  I hope he stops by that coffee shop and says hi sometime this week.

In the meantime I am scanning him my first contribution to the pet page.  It's our Miniature Pinscher (minpin) Albert.  We now have a second one named Stanley but I don't have any pictures of the two of them yet...will post when they are developed.  Pet owners, let's see your darlings!

Mary W.

Wednesday, May 19, 1999 - 10:09:29 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Dear Erin,

>I am Erin Rawlinson, (Monica's grand daughter, Mary's daughter).  The Golden Retreiver is our dog, named Samantha.<

Erin, it would be nice to have some pictures of Samantha in the Pet Section!  She looks like such a sweet doggie.  Can you tell us more about her?

Mary W.

Wednesday, May 19, 1999 - 10:20:26 pm:
Message from Stephen Kingston at (via email)

Sorry to have dropped off the face of the earth but I resigned from JetForm and started a new job with a company called Tetranet Software just this week  (JV and Tom you should download the trial software as they are great for testing web site links and performance ( )).

Time for a change and new challenges after 7 yrs in one place.  Totally different in that it's about 30 people privately held company (which hopefully will go public like JF did).  Giulia also just got re-hired at CHEO (Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario) and starts next week.  Looking forward to a restful long weekend as I fear we won't be vacationing a lot this summer.

Pets were a pretty common thing at home - I remember once that David & I were walking home from school (a one room schoolhouse 1/4 mile from home as some of you might remember) and came across a bunch of kittens that had been dumped at the side of the road.  I don't think it took us more than 2 seconds to take the books out our bookbags and inserted a kitten or two into the book bags while we carried the books.  Mom was needless to day thrilled at our discovery (!).

Multiple breakouts from the pen by pigs during the summer was a regular occurence (Dad's turn to be thrilled aqnd a video camera would have been priceless to capture Dad tempting the pig with Mangels (a turnip like plant that he grew for the pigs to eat) lure the pig back to the pen (or close enough to grab it and toss it in)).

Not that great a pet fan these days - one of the guys here brings his Lab in every day - drives me a bit batty - nice dog and everything but kind of tired seeing dog hair everywhere.  None of the kids are pining for one yet as there are enough dogs and cats around the neighborhood to satisfy their curiosity.

Hope all are well.


Thursday, May 20, 1999 - 03:09:23 pm:
Message from John Vickers at


It is sooo good to get home again and great to hear from you Stephen.  Your story of finding the kittens along the road reminded me of an event that occured to me during my milk truck days at the dairy.  Actually, pet lovers may find it somewhat morbid however the facts are true.

I was delivering milk to this old guy named Lyman Sweezy who lived in a tiny shack in the woods in Napan Bay with his dog and stove.  (There was a cot beside the stove and that was his living space.)  Actually, not to deviate from the story, he told me one day that he use to know Lillian when he was growing up and when I went home and informed Grandmother, she exclaimed she hadn't heard of him for many decades.  Next thing I know, I am delivering Grandmother's rolls to him along with letters etc.

Anyhow, back to the morbidity.  Lyman's dog had pups and much to my chagrin, I showed up with the milk truck one day and he asked me to do a favour.  He exclaimed he had no way of taking care of his pups and had had no choice but to have had exterminated them.  He handed me a large potato sack and asked that I toss it well into the woods as I was travelling on my milk route further down the highway.  I reluctantly agreed.

What I didn't realize was as it was spring time, there were deep ditches filled with water along the road and when I pulled over, I couldn't jump across the ditch.  I opted to hurl the potato sack as hard as I could into the woods from the road..  To my sheer horror, as it flew through the air, the sack opened and every single tiny carcass ended up hanging from the branches on this large dead tree on the other side of the ditch (on full public display for passing motorists).  I stood there for a moment not knowing what to do and then - jumped in the truck and took off.

A couple days later I was putting milk in the back of the local grocery store and I could over hear a crowd of people up at the front counter.  "What sick person would do such a thing!", one yelled.  "He should be shot!", exclaimed another.  I recall filling the fridge up with milk as fast as I could and informing the proprietor I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to collect the money that day and would pick it up next time.

Lyman died not long after and grandmother was very saddened to hear of his death.


P.S.  I must state that Mary Weisller's hunting picture was with Tommy Kingston who apparently asked her to pose with his hunting trophy....Mary I know you are a great animal lover - I wouldn't want to convey to the world you were a hunter!...:-)

P.P.S.  The events icon is taking shape and I added another reunion picture from up at the Square Forks.

Saturday, May 22, 1999 - 05:01:05 pm:
Message from Laura Vickers at

Hey Uncle John,

The second Golden Retriever in the pet page is not Abby.  It's another one of Samantha (Erin and Amy's).  Abby is a lot curlier than Samantha and a bit darker gold then Sam.  You might want to change that and I'll send you a real picture of Abby.  It's no big deal but I thought you just might want to know.

Bye for now.

Saturday, May 22nd, 1999 - 06:22:14 pm:
Message from John Vickers at

Hi Laura,

I stand corrected and I shall make the change.  Thanks for letting me know!

Uncle John :-)

Sunday, May 23, 1999 - 08:04:55 am:
Message from ANNE MARIE at

Hello to everyone!!

I'm sitting here at a friends dogsitting.  There are 4 dogs who take turns seeking affection.  They all crawl into bed and sleep with me --- thank God, it is a queen size bed!!

We will be having a mini-reunion--Patricia from St. John - John and his family from Sherwwod Park, Martha and I in Calgary will be getting together here in Calgary the weekend of May 28-31.  I'm very excited as I haven't seen my sister Tricia for 4 years.  She and John Vickers share the same birthdate.

Finally the weather is begining to be summer-like.  We have had tons of rain and cold days. It should be around 23c today.  I still need to get organized to scan pictures in [maybe I'll send pics of the dogs I care for} for general veiwing.  John Vickers, thanks for all the amazing work you are doing!!!

Anne Marie

Sunday, May 23, 1999 - 04:54:39 pm:
Message from Brenda MacKinnon at

John and the Napan dog story......although gruesome, as I pictured all this taking place, I found it hilarious.  And I can hear Grandmother's request that you take some rolls to poor Lyman.  When you think about it, there should be some really good books that could be written by rural milk drivers and mail drivers.

Just got back from the Miramichi and everything is greening up.....the river is still a bit high....the big canoe run is next weekend, I think, although many people were doing it this past weekend.  Helped Edwin Brown (where Mary W and her siblings spent many summers) put his potatoes in on Saturday.  Many hands to help so it was quick work.

Take care all,

Tuesday, May 25, 1999 - 05:09:13 am:
Message from Mary Ellen Kngston-Ritchie at

Howdy folks,

I was at a wedding yesterday and it prompted me to request an addition to the places to stay during the reunion.

We were at the wedding of Troy Donahue and Carla Crawford.  Troy's mother was a Barry and sister of Bernard Kingston's wife.  Anyway, the bannister from Grandmother's house, that many of us have memories of sliding down, is in Troy and Carla's Bed & Breakfast.  They also have much of the hardwood floors from the house.

The name of the place is Sunnyside Inn and I believe they have a website.  It might be nice to visit the place during the reunion.  They have a great Irish pub -- Alexandra's-- in the basement which is quite the spot.

John, could you add this to the list of places to stay.

Take Care...ME

(Thanks for the info Mary Ellen - I did locate their site and added it to the list....JV)

Tuesday, May 25, 1999 - 02:57:20 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hi everyone!

Laura, thanks for the picture of Samantha in the Pet Page!  She's adorable and looks like she's a really sweet girl.

John, that Napalm Puppies story (thanks for providing a title, Brenda) left me staring at my puter screen with my jaw on the floor!  OMG!  Had I been in your shoes I would surely have spent the rest of my days in a psychiatric facility receiving electroshock therapies and huddled in a cornor druelling!  How dreadful for you!  That was just unconscionable of old Lyman to saddle a child with such a macabre task! :-O

As for the hunting picture, yes...Tommy MADE me pose for that picture holding that poor, limp little carcass.  If you look closely you can see the tear streams running down my cheeks and the lumps about my face and head where he beat me.

We got the first roll of film developed of Albert and Stanley (every single picture on the whole roll is of them). I'll scan a few to John so you can all see the little rascals.

Mary W.

(Now on display in pets!)

Thursday, May 27, 1999 - 07:38:32 am:
Message from John Vickers at


Mr. Thomas Kingston informs me after two strenuous weeks of working round the clock managing his mill's shutdown, he is getting out of Dodge and driving 14 hours out to the coast to visit on Saturday for vacation.  Looks like a trip to the beer store is in order and time to sharpen up my pool table skills...:)  (There may be a few misspelled words here at the Lodge over the next week!)

Have a great reunion this weekend Anne Marie - sounds like a great time!

Mary, Stan and Al they look like cute little guys.  I must get a picture of my cat SAM - I tell my mother he is my contribution to my family heritage..:)

John V

Friday, May 28, 1999 - 05:28:45 pm:
Message from Mary Weissler at

Hello everyone,

> I must get a picture of my cat SAM <

Yes please, John!  We all want to see sweet Sam!  I'm sure you and Tommy will have a great time together and you must keep us all posted on your mischievious activities!  {sending over a 6-pack of Sprecher...Milwaukee's finest}

I actually have a Friday off! :-)  Jack is working and I am having a quiet evening at home with the tiny terrors.  We have been working on some obedience exercises and handing out mass quantities of yummy treats.  They are sooooo cute executing their little commands!  I'm gonna go check out the chat room and see if anyone is around...dream on! :-)

Mary W.

Saturday, May 29, 1999 - 09:20:51 am:
Message from Tom Kingston at

It has been four weeks since my last confession.... er, um I mean contribution to the webpage.

Even though it has been four weeks,  I still checked in to see what was happening most days...

About these pet stories.... I'm sure they bring you much joy and the experience of sharing these tender moments with all of us has enhanced that enjoyment... beautiful, lovely stuff.  So I have an idea, let's make May the Pet month, and we'll even book May 2000 for pets.

I agree,  pets provide tremendous therapeutic therapy.  I didn't have a dog when I was a kid, and I'm sure I would be somewhat less of a miserable sort had I had a dog.  Technically speaking, I guess I did have a pet, a 2" long turtle.  He died after six weeks.

It is 9:10 AM here in Mackenzie and I am off to play slow pitch softball in an hour (I hope there's no dogs at the field).  It's a tournament weekend.  I'm looking forward to three or four games over the next few days.  I'm going for the "long ball", the "over the fence", the "big one", the "home runner".  I played on Thursday, right field, had only one play and made it, on base all three times at bat.  Slow pitch softball, summer, sun, and a cold beer... Whoa...what a day!!! I'll keep you posted on the "Long ball".  It may not happen.

(Looking forward to your visit next Saturday Tom! ..JV)

Sunday, May 30, 1999 - 07:59:14 am:
Message from Tom Kingston at :

We played two games yesterday.  We lost both of them.  The first game we lost by a good margin, we didn't even score a run.  The second game we lost 15-14.  I hit an inside the park homerun in the second game, but the homerun still eludes me.  I am hitting it hard and far enough and I did come close a couple of times.  I have another game in an hour so I have one chance left.

Wish me luck,
